36-You're A Coward

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Chapter 36: You're A Coward

I'll just be blunt and straight to the point, that's the best way to go about this. "Um... he just wanted to know if I was still up for going on a date with him."

After I finished speaking the car went deathly silent, you'd even hear a pin drop from a mile away. Eli regained his composure quickly though so luckily the overbearing silence didn't last too long.

"Wait still? He's asked you out before?" Eli asks in a puzzled voice.

"Yeah, when I was at an ice cream parlour with Wyatt and Brooke. Didn't you know? I assumed Wyatt would've told you about bumping into him."

"Yeah he did," Eli tells me. "But not about the date part. Mr Shitty Explanation over here must've left that part out," he finishes, glaring at Wyatt from the corner of his eye when the traffic light turns red.

Wyatt lets out an annoyed grunt. "I just didn't think it was very important," he mumbles.

"Not important!" Eli exclaims, jerking the car ever so slightly due to his outburst. "It's not important that the girl you so clearly have a fucking crush on got asked out by the guy you probably hate the most in the world? No wonder you were so pissed off when you were explaining it to me, well more so than usual when you talk about River."

I don't really get a chance to process Eli's words before Wyatt grits out his retort. "Yes it wasn't important to the fucking story. Why would you give a shit about her dating life? She's one of the few girls who you've realised won't fuck you so you have no reason to care!"

I can see Eli's hands twitching as he holds the steering wheel — not good. "Not cool. You know not everything is about sex to me, right? Just because I have a sex life doesn't mean that that's all I think about. Yes, I might act like a fuck boy but that doesn't mean that all I want to do is shag people. Ari is my friend and so are you. Believe it or not, somewhere in this fuck boy heart I care and I'm sorry for actually giving a damn about my best friend."

Wow. I've never seen Eli like that. Usually he's so carefree and chilled out. He doesn't normally mind if people joke about him being a man whore so what's different this time? Wyatt must've hit a nerve but how?

Eli takes a few calming breaths, keeping his eyes on the road, his face becoming impassive as he does so.

Wyatt's jaw clenches. "You know I don't mean it like that," he sighs in slight defeat but his anger is still clear as day. "But it wasn't fucking important, alright? Can we leave it at that?"

Eli sends him a strained look. "Mate, we both know you're lying to yourself as well as me and Ari but I'll let it drop for now. It's best not to talk about this whilst I'm driving, none of us want an accident."

Wyatt nods and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank fucking heavens.

After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, Eli decides to speak again. "So, Ari, are y' going on that date with River?" Eli asks casually, all traces of his previous argument seemingly lost from his tone.

I have to think about that. Wyatt doesn't want me to and I value his opinion but he's never told me the reason for his grudge with River and the boy has been nothing but sweet to me so I feel like I have to give him a chance. Urgh, I'm just not sure so that's exactly what I tell Eli with a shrug.

Wyatt is quick to dart his head to me. "What do you mean you're not sure? I've told you that guy is bad news. You need to stay away from him."

"Why?" I challenge. "Tell me what's so bad about him." There's a daring glint in my eye and I'm not going to back down. No one backs Aurora Jasmine Kelly into a corner.

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