6-People Do Stupid Things Whilst Drunk

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Play rockstar by Post Malone ft. 21 Savage

Chapter 6: People Do Stupid Things Whilst Drunk

"Ava are you sure about this?" I ask as we're about to exit her car and go to Jordan's house.

"Ari you've asked me a million times already, you look amazing, stop being so self-conscious and enjoy yourself."

Getting ready was a nightmare. Ava was adamant on me wearing a revealing dress but that's just not my thing. I've always been body conscious, even though I've been told by several people that my body's fine I can't help it. Everyone has insecurities so, naturally, I do as well.

In the end, she won but I managed to get her to dial it down a bit. I'm wearing a tight, royal blue dress, with a low but not too low neckline, that goes to my mid-thigh. If Ava had it her way I'd be wearing an even tighter dress with a lower neckline and the bottom would barely cover my privates.

I think she just wants me to meet a new guy to get my mind off of James and have fun for one night but that's just not me. Yes, I'm trying new things but I'm only willing to go so far. I'm not going to change who I am.

As we get out of the car the stench of alcohol immediately hits my nose; it's extremely pungent and can be smelt from a mile away. In the garden some people have passed out on the grass, others are climbing trees half naked and one person has stripped to their birthday suit and is running around singing 'Hakuna Matata'. People do stupid things whilst drunk.

We step over the bodies — classy I know — and make our way to the already open door. We could hear the music from down the street so now that we're outside the open door it's deafeningly loud.

"You ready?" I hear Ava ask over all the noise.

I gulp. "As ready as I'll ever be." With that we both step over the threshold. Here I go, pray for me.


The night was kind of hazy. When we got inside Ava immediately got us some drinks. I don't really know how it happened because I'm usually responsible but one drink led to another and another and now here I am, drunk off my arse in a stuffy room full of horny teenagers. Smart I know but what can I say, I'm not perfect.

I know I'm drunk but to be honest I don't give a damn because it's making me feel better and easing the pain. What people say is true, you can drink away the pain, so that's what I did, all night long.

I gulp down another beer and I've never felt more alive, I should come to these things more often. With each sip, I feel myself slipping away from reality and all my troubles, it's almost like they don't matter anymore — let me tell you that's a great feeling.

Right now, I don't care about tomorrow, all I care about is the now and I'm going to make the most of it. Drinking really does make you feel like a whole new person, I feel like doing things I'd never do while sober.

With a red solo cup in my hand, I make my way to the middle of the dance floor and start to dance with everyone else. I can feel a few guys getting a little too close but I pay them no attention and just carry on doing my thing, letting the alcohol control my movements. No one — I repeat, no one — is going to ruin my night.

As the night presses on, my body is still buzzing from the alcohol and I don't intend to stop drinking any time soon. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Oliver and his girlfriend, Rebekah, motioning me to join them so I start to walk over to them.

"He-ey gu-yys," I slur.

They both give me a weird look. "Ari, how much have you had to drink?" Oliver asks, concern evident in his tone. Oliver has  always been a very caring person; he always puts others before himself and I admire that about him. Rebekah is extremely lucky to have him but if I'm honest they're not a good couple. Don't get me wrong she's a lovely person but they just seem to clash horribly.

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