22-Three Girls In One Night

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Chapter 22: Three Girls In One Night

I've spent the last hour pacing around my temporary dressing room and it's safe to say that I might just puke. Camilla said it would only be a half hour break but it's taken way longer to get Wyatt ready, as I've said hair and makeup takes donkeys years.

Me modelling with Wyatt. Why on earth did anyone think that would be a good idea? Actually, why did anyone think me modelling full stop was a good idea?

I'm so camera shy, hate the spotlight and am just plain awkward around people I don't know. Who on earth thought those were good qualities for a model?!

I hear a soft knock on my door and it makes me jump back in surprise. The blonde assistant from before walks in and tells me to go to set before receiving a message on her earpiece and leaving.

Deep breaths. It's just Wyatt. If anything he should make this whole ordeal slightly better.

I slowly walk in the direction I was supposed to, calming myself all the while.

When I finally get there, after a good five minutes, let's just say I got a little lost, everyone was already there waiting for me. "There you are," Camilla smiled, calling me over to her.

I gave her a small smile but my attention wasn't on her or the photographer but the boy standing behind both of them. Taller than them both stands Wyatt, his hair styled effortlessly and his clothes pristine, he looks breathtaking, but of course I'd never tell him this. Wyatt looks right back at me with his electric blue eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Finally decide to show up, eh, green eyes," he teases.

I wring my hands in embarrassment. "I may have gotten a little lost," I admit sheepishly.

Wyatt chuckles at this. "Of course you did. Only you, green eyes, only you."

"Wha-" before I can finish my response the photographer, Antonio, cuts me off by clearing his throat.

"I hate to cut the chitchat," he starts in that Spanish accent of his, "but were already behind schedule so we need to get going. Chop, chop." He claps his hands and the blonde assistant–I really need to find out her name–puts us in position.

"Now I want you to both act natural and pretend I'm not here. Since you already know what you're supposed to do," he points to Wyatt, "you can explain it to her, I'll give you a few minutes," Antonio says.

Wyatt sighs. He turns to look at me. "Now, green eyes, just like he said, pretend the camera isn't here and that we're not in the middle of a photo shoot."

"Easier said than done," I mutter back, arms folded.

"I know but I'm not really sure what else to say," he admits. "I was hoping he'd explain it to you because I'm not sure how. I've been modelling for mum most of my life, it just comes naturally, I don't really have a technique," he shrugs.

I think over his words for a few moments. "Okay. So you literally just go for it?" I ask. He nods. "But that's so unlike me."

"I know, green eyes, and that's our dilemma. But besides, it's slightly different now. We're modelling as a pair, not separately, so whatever we do has to coordinate and there has to be a chemistry of some sort."

I visibly shudder before groaning and placing my head in my hands. "I don't know how to do this. I don't know what to do, Wyatt," I whisper to him. "This kind of thing is so new to me. I know I told you that I wanted to be reckless, fearless and careless but it's really hard. I want to do this, to prove to myself I can. The whole point of this was to come out of my shell but I'm scared, Wyatt, I'm terrified," I admit to him in a low whisper so no one around us can hear, not that they're paying attention, they gave us a few minutes of privacy to talk.

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