46-A Disapproving Look

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Chapter 46: A Disapproving Look

The wind whipped through my hair as I drove down familiar roads, turning each sharp corner with ease. It has been years since I'd last ridden a motorcycle but it still felt so natural. Yes, I technically wasn't supposed to have been driving one but dad had taught me, even if I wasn't strong enough to hold it up myself at the time. He just sat on the back for support and let me do my thing.

He lived and breathed them, they were his favourite thing. It's quite poetic, I think, that the thing he loved most in the world caused his end.

It hurts whenever I think of dad or Belle. I might have come to terms with their deaths but that doesn't mean it doesn't rip my soul apart to think of them. I was always a daddy's girl, even though I lived with mum and I had always looked up to Belle, she was my role model and I still aspire to be even half as good as she was. So, it destroyed me to lose two of the closest people to me at the same time.

That's why we moved, to be closer to them. Not longer after the accident we all wanted to feel more connected so we packed our bags and moved into their house, it was left to mum in the will anyway.

To this day, I'm still not quite sure why my parents divorced. I know they still loved each other, it was written on their faces in black and white but at the same time things just kept going wrong for them. Maybe they grew apart or just weren't compatible enough anymore. I could never ask mum about it because it was the one subject that was much too sensitive for her so I've always just had to guess.

There's probably a better answer than what I've come up with but since I'm so young I doubt I'd understand the ins and outs of marriage and divorce, the latter of which I hope will always be the case.

The roaring engine seemed to calm my nerves and erratic heart beat as I continued down the winding road, just minutes from my destination.

I parked outside the house, mansion would probably be a better word to describe it, hopped off of Wyatt's motorcycle and started the short walk to the front door, my hands clammy as I fidgeted with the hem of my top, picking at a loose thread. I rang the doorbell and hugged my leather jacket tighter around my petite figure to help stop the chill of the winter air and the tremors it was sending down my spine.

The door was opened by Jon, an man in his mid sixties. He was tall and frail with a bald spot in the middle of his grey hair but he still carried himself with class and elegance, his formal work attire spotless "Ah miss Kelly. I assume your looking for the young master?"

I nod my head, giving Jon a slight smile.

"He's in his bedroom probably playing on his electronic games or something of the sort," he says with a roll of his eyes but you could see the fondness within them. Jon has been the family butler since before I was born so he'll always have a soft spot for him, he practically raised the guy. "You can go right up."

I grin at Jon before racing through the grand hallway and up the stairs, thankful to finally be out every the weathers clutches.

I don't bother knocking before opening the door and, as Jon predicted, he's sitting on his plush, cushioned sofa playing Xbox, so immersed in his game that he doesn't even hear me walk in.

I clear my throat with a smile on my face which causes him to jolt in surprise. He looks at me with a confused expression before pausing his game and turning his full attention to me. "Ari?"

"Hi Maxi," I say with a sheepish smile.

He groans at the use of my nickname like he always has but nevertheless taps the spot next to him on the sofa, gesturing for me to sit down. "What's up? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Max asks casually, scooting over to make room for me to sit down.

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