43-How Much Did I Drink?

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Chapter 43: How Much Did I Drink?

*Aurora's POV*

I stare in shock at Wyatt's sudden appearance. I haven't spoken to the boy in months and now he's miraculously decided to show up out of nowhere and punch my kind-of-boyfriend.

"What the hell, Wyatt!?" I seethe at him.

His breathing is heavy like he's trying to calm himself down. I wait impatiently for a response as his chest rises and falls — he seems shocked by his own actions.

He shakes his head, regaining his composure. "I've been wanting to do that for ages," he says with a light laugh.

I give him an incredulous look.

That's all he has to say!? No, sorry for not talking to you for three months Ari or how have you been or I'm sorry I was such a rude bastard?

To be fair it was my fault as well but that's the first thing he says. Typical.

"Sorry about just barging in out of nowhere, green eyes, but I couldn't listen to him spew bullshit any longer. His lies were giving me a migraine," he tells me with an adorable pout on his lips. They look so plump and—

Shit. I'm sidetracking. Moving on...

"Lies?" I ask in confusion. River never lied to me. He's always been so sincere.

Wyatt sighs softly before cupping my hands in his much larger ones and looking me directly in the eyes, his facial expression gentle and honest. "Yeah. I'm not sure if you realised but he's a pretty good liar. He's been doing it for years."

Huh? That's not true. He's been upfront with me from the start. He told me how he felt right away, no games and certainly no lies.

"Maybe with others but, Wyatt, he doesn't lie to me. He's been honest and upfront since I first met him," I defend. There's no way Wyatt is right. I just can't believe it. Not possible.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear tenderly before continuing. "That's what he wants you to think, green eyes. Trust me, I've known him for years. He's a bastard who loves to manipulate people," he grits his teeth as he finishes. That must have something to do with why Wyatt hates him so much.

"Did he do that to you? Is that why you hate him?" I pry in a soft but curious voice.

He shakes his head. "Not to me but someone I care about a lot."

"Who?" I ask with slight hesitation. Who would he care about so much? An ex girlfriend or a long lost love? Hopefully neither.

He goes to reply but stops himself last minute much to my annoyance. "Look, I know you deserve answers, green eyes, especially after I just punched the guy but it's not my place to talk about it, I'm sorry," he says in defeat.

I'm itching to finally find out the truth. If I'm honest, I've been wondering about it for months but it wasn't something I could ask River about and I don't think anyone else would know. I did try asking Eli but the boy wouldn't tell me a thing, staying loyal to his best friend. It really pissed me off at the time but I get it, I'd do the same for my friends.

"It's alright but I do want the truth sometime soon," I say, knowing it's useless to dig further at the current time. "Anyway, so you really mean it when you say he's been lying to me?"

He runs his hands through his already messy hair which still somehow looks incredible, his arm muscles flexing as he does so. What's wrong with me today? Focus Ari. "Yeah, I do. I know it's shitty, green eyes, but just from the one conversation I could tell he was trying to manipulate you." His voice is raw and it almost sounds like it's painful for him to say that.

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