52-Terrible In Bed

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Chapter 52: Terrible In Bed

Things were different between Wyatt and I over the next few days but in a good way. We hadn't kissed since that evening but there was definitely a flirtier atmosphere between the two of us.

School dragged on as per usual but I was coping and I've finally decided to make a start on the mountain of catch up work I've got to do. I was making my way to the canteen when I heard an all too familiar voice chatting away in the corner.

Ava has been hanging out with Chloe and her minions since the whole fiasco arose and she hasn't spoken a word to me since. She, like them, does cheerleading but she was never the stereotypical type. She wasn't bitchy and didn't bully others to be popular.

She went through her fair share of guys but so many people did that so it wasn't that big of a deal until she decided to sleep with my then boyfriend. Ava has never been a very responsible drunk but that doesn't excuse what she did. River was completely wrong as well but nothing can excuse Ava's behaviour, she was supposed to be my best friend.

Since hanging out with Chloe, I've seen an even bigger change in her behaviour, she's becoming like them. She's been giving the younger years a horrible time and the other day in RS she stuck gum to the bottom of this guy's chair because he wouldn't give her test answers.

I don't know what has gotten into her. Maybe she was secretly like this all along, I've got no clue if I'm honest but, seeing her now, I'm glad we're not friends anymore. People like that aren't worth my time.

I sigh as I walk away from them, Ava and Chloe's obnoxious giggles can be heard from a mile away as they insult someone on Ava's phone.

I'm almost at the canteen doors when a voice calls out my name, effectively halting me in my tracks. I turn around slowly, already knowing who the owner of the voice is.

"Hey, Ari," he says, softly. "How's the arm?"

I shrug. "Not too bad, it could've been a lot worse, I suppose, so can't really complain," I say rigidly, wanting desperately to escape this conversation.

His molten brown seem to pin me to the spot as he talks. "Can we talk, please."

I want to say no, to run and leave this conversation but for some reason I find myself nodding slowly. "Sure, let's go some place more quiet," I say, in a small voice, refusing to meet his eyes as we walk silently to the garden around the back of the school that people hardly ever visit.

We both sit down on the only wooden bench in the garden. People don't come here because it's not well looked after and not many people know about it either so it's always a nice quiet spot to come to when you want to be alone.

"What's up?" I ask, threading my fingers together, my eyes concentrated on my lap.

He seems startled that I chose to break the silence and tries to hide his nervousness by clearing his throat — at least I'm not the only uncomfortable one here. "Well, I know I already said this but I'm sorry for what I said to you. It was cruel and wrong of me."

I reply with a shrug of my shoulders. "It's in the past. What's done is done." I sound calm and composed but I'm anything but. His words were a sharp knife stabbed into my side, twisting in the wound every so often so I couldn't forget.

"That doesn't make it okay though," he persists, a pleading look in his eyes.

"It might not but we can't change what's happened, James. I've forgiven you. It's over."

Forgiven? I never thought I'd say that about him but it's true. He might have caused me a pain second to none but if he hadn't I would've never met Wyatt. Sure, I also wouldn't have gone crazy and got hit by a lorry but I wouldn't trade what I've experienced this year for the world. I've always been a believer of everything happens for a reason, so although I'm still deeply scarred by what happened I wouldn't want it to have played out any other way.

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