10-I Used My Friend's Green Crayon Without Telling Her

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Chapter 10: I Used My Friend's Green Crayon Without Telling Her

After I finished eating, I had seconds so it took a while, I thanked Wyatt for his hospitality and made my way to leave. It was more of an attempt because before I got more than a few steps away I felt him grab onto my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" He queries.

"To school. I know I'm late but I still don't want to miss all of my classes," I reply, trying to yank my arm out of his vice grip and failing miserably. He chuckles and shakes his head at my attempts to remove myself from him.

"No can do green eyes. I need to hold up my end of the bargain and one of the most important things you need to learn is to not give a shit. So today you're skipping school with me."

Hell no. "Not a fucking chance in hell. Just because I want to let loose doesn't mean I want to risk my grades. I still want to pass all of my classes."

"Language! Calm yourself. One day isn't going to kill you, come on it will be fun, just trust me." With that, he leads me out of his front door and to his car. There's no point in protesting because he's a lot stronger than me and he does have a point so I comply with his demands. I hop into the passenger seat and off we go.

As Wyatt was driving he began to pick up speed a lot, too much. "What the fuck are you doing?! Are you trying to kill us both?! Slow the hell down!" I shouted, fearing for both of our lives. He ignores me and the dial continues to go up: 95mph, 110mph, 140mph! At this point I'm absolutely terrified, I'm at the point of nearly fainting out of terror. I close my eyes and just pray that this is all some crazy dream, that I'm not going more than eighty miles over the speed limit.

After what seems like an eternity the car begins to slow and I ever so carefully open my eyes and am welcomed by countless trees and forest. "You drive like a maniac. What the hell is wrong with you!?"

He turns his head to me and–you guessed it–smirks. "I'm just living a little, green eyes, you should try it some time." The nerve of this guy!

I don't say anything and instead get out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Wyatt then jumps out too, turns to see where I am, jerks his head to the right and starts to walk through the masses of trees, myself closely in tow. We walk in silence as I'm still furious with him and refuse to speak.

We trudge through the forest for what feels like an eternity and my feet feel as though they are bleeding. I love walking and all but I do have my limits and Wyatt has greatly exceeded them. I don't exactly want my feet to be in excruciating pain but it seems as though Wyatt has other plans.

A while later he finally stops on the other side of some shrubbery but by this point I'm quite a distance behind him so I've no idea what he appears to be staring at. "Hurry up green eyes!" He calls.

I begin to sprint towards him, ignoring the searing pain in my feet. It isn't until I reach him that I snap my head up and take in the view before me. It's absolutely breathtaking and I'm momentarily immobilised by its beauty. We're at a cliff's edge and there is a gorgeous waterfall cascading down onto the rocks below. Sitting to the side of this is a stunning cherry blossom tree, large enough for a few people to sit beneath, pink flowers in bloom. The whole area is surrounded by tasteful plants and bushes, hiding this perfect sight from view. Unless you were actively looking for it you'd never know it was here or be able to find it.

"Wow" is all I say as I gape at the beautiful sight.

"Wow indeed, now come on," he says as he grabs onto my arm and pulls me towards the edge of the cliff.

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