31-What's The Worst That Could Happen?

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Chapter 31: What's The Worst That Could Happen?

"What are you doing here, River?" Wyatt asks in a slightly hostile tone.

How does he know River's name? "Wait, do you two know each other?" I ask.

Wyatt nods but before he can explain River speaks up. "Ah, I had no idea you two knew each other. Small world, eh? Wyatt and I have known each other for a couple of years now but for some reason the guy has never particularly liked me."

Wyatt lets out a humourless chuckle. "Some reason? We both know there's more to it than that and let's not forget the part about you being an asshole who cheats when racing."

"I've never cheated. You just can't stand that I'm better than you at it," River smirks.

"Better? Please, I'm a much greater racer than you'll ever be. The last time we raced I won, remember?"

"That was over a year ago, besides I wasn't feeling good that day. I know I'd beat you if we raced now."

"Is that a challenge?" Wyatt asks with a raised brow.

"Nah," River says, brushing him off. "I'm not in the mood if I'm honest."

"Or are you just scared to loose," Wyatt taunts. I've never seen him like this. I've seen him angry but there's something different about this. He's definitely mad but there's something else I can't quite place my finger on.

"Think what you want but I just came here to talk to Aurora not argue with you."

At the mention of my name Wyatt's arm tightens around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side in a protective manner, our bodies now much closer together.

"Leave her out of this River. She doesn't need someone like you in her life. We both know that you don't want an actual relationship just some fun. She deserves so much more than that."

My heart warms at Wyatt's words. I never realised he actually cared for me but he clearly does.

"You know nothing," River snarls. "I actually really like her and would love to get to know her so don't act like you know shit about me." Although he's talking about me I can tell that his words hold deeper meaning. There's obviously something else going on between the two that I don't know about.

The two are glaring at each other, a battle of egos taking place but it's at this point that Brooklyn chooses to walk back over. "Wyatt, who's this," she asks in a confused voice, motioning towards River.

Knowing that they shouldn't fight in front of a child River sighs and gets out of the booth. "The name is River little lady but you don't need to worry about me I was just leaving," he tells her, a friendly smile on his face.

It's so strange how quickly his personality just flipped. I guess he's actually a really nice person, it's just Wyatt he doesn't seem to get along with.

Now he turns to me. "It was lovely to meet you Aurora. I still want to schedule that date," he winks, handing me a piece of paper. "Call me." With that, he walks off.

I can feel a faint blush cover my cheeks but I ignore it as I slip the paper into my pocket. I turn to Wyatt as Brooke sits down, eyeing her ice cream in delight. His face is contoured in anger. "Wyatt, calm down, he's gone."

He lets out a deep breath. "I know I just really don't like that guy," he tells me.


I think he's about to tell me but his eyes dart to Brooke who's gobbling down her ice cream, oblivious to our conversation. "Later," he says and I nod in understanding.

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