51-Strawberry Ice Cream

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Chapter 51: Strawberry Ice Cream

I squirm anxiously in my seat as Wyatt carries on speeding down the almost empty road. It's not that I am worried about the situation at hand because I've come to trust Wyatt a great deal but I don't like surprises, I never have.

When I was ten my mum tried to throw me a surprise party and it was one of the worst days of my life. I was so scared because when I walked into my house after school a clown jumped out of nowhere, honking his fake red nose and dancing like there were snakes in his trousers. I screamed and I actually pissed my pants. Needless to say, I've been terrified of clowns ever since.

We make idle chitchat in the car because Wyatt refuses to tell me where we're going despite my numerous attempts. After another five or so minutes he parks the car but since it's a regular outdoor car park it doesn't give me any clues about where we're going.

"Come on, Wyatt, just tell me," I whine like a child as we both get out of the car. He walks over to me and takes ahold of my hand so he can lead us in the right direction.

He shakes his head and laughs lightly. "No can do, green eyes, you'll find out in a few minutes anyway," he says, lacing our fingers together, protecting my non-gloved hand from the chilling wind.

Wyatt leads us through the mildly busy streets that hum with the buzz of light traffic. I recognise this place, it's near the outskirts of the city but I can't for the life of me pinpoint where we're going.

I'm sure it's obvious but I'm absolutely atrocious with directions and Wyatt knows this. I get lost basically everywhere I go so trying to wrack my brain for answers is utterly useless if I'm honest.

Once we start to near a much busier area, Wyatt covers my eyes with a soft yet rough hand. We walk like that for a few minutes, probably looking extremely strange to the rest of the public.

I notice when we enter a building, Wyatt taking extra care so that I don't knock myself or my injured right arm. "You can look now," he murmurs gently into my ears, removing his large hand.

It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the harsh artificial lighting but when they do I can feel excitement as well as terror wash over me.

"Ice skating?" I splutter out, shocked. He nods, a lopsided grin etched into his perfect features which makes my heart flutter and elephants stomp around in my stomach. "Isn't that a bad idea with my broken arm and all?" I ask, gesturing to the cast, doing my absolute best to hide my inner flustered self.

Wyatt leads us to the short queue of people as he shakes his head, that gorgeous grin not leaving his face. "Nah, I'm pretty good at ice skating, if I do say so myself, so I'll be able to keep your clumsy, directionless self out of trouble. Besides, it'll be fun."

The look of excitement shining in Wyatt's eyes makes my resolve crumble much too quickly. "Fine but just so you know, I've never been ice skating before," I tell him with a sigh as we reach the front of the queue and grab our skates.

"You'll love it," he assures me as we make our way down the stairs to the entrance of the rink and put our skates on.

Surprisingly, they're not too difficult to walk in but it's when we get on the ice that the real challenge will begin and having a broken arm doesn't make it much easier.

Wyatt clasps my hand firmly in his much larger one as we get on the ice and I can immediately feel my legs beginning to wobble so I instinctively clutch onto Wyatt harder who seems unfazed by the new medium we're on.

He guides us to the edge so I can hold onto the side and collect myself. "Relax, green eyes, I'll be with you every step of the way and by the end of today you'll love skating, I promise," he says in a warm tone, conviction in his voice.

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