27-Dragged Through The Pits Of Hell

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Chapter 27: Dragged Through The Pits Of Hell

I hurriedly follow Wyatt to the front door, grab my shoes and shove them on. "How can you be so sure? Everyone will see photos of me modelling, Wyatt, and since it's with you I'll get even more attention, you know I can't stand that," I tell him as we walk to his car, my breathing rate increasing. "I never even considered that they'd go public. God I'm such an idiot," I groan.

He pauses when we reach the car and turns around to face me. "Green eyes," he starts, placing his hand on my shoulder and looking me dead in the eyes. "It's okay. Screw everyone and screw the attention. If they want to stare, let them. Just be yourself and ignore them. If they're starting it's only because they've nothing better to do with their own lives than talk about you, take it as a compliment."

"But...but," I stammer as I think of what to say. I mean, he's right. Why should I care if others are staring at me? Because they'll be judging you. I try to ignore the voice in the back of my head as I start to speak again. "I guess you're right," I breathe out. "But I hate the attention. Sure it doesn't do anything per say but the thought of it just frightens me," I admit.

He sighs and takes his hand off my shoulder. "Come on, let's go, I know you don't want to be late for school," he says opening his car door. I comply and slip into the passenger's seat, closing the car door softly behind me. After starting the drive to school he continues the conversation.

"Didn't you get attention when you started dating James?"

"Well, yes b-" I start but Wyatt cuts me off.

"And you knew that would happen but you did it anyway. Why? Because you wanted to. You can't put your life on hold out of fear of judgment or whatever it is that makes you so shy. You have to live your life, even if that means standing out," he concludes.

I sigh. He's right and I know that. "I'm a shy person, Wyatt, I can't do much about that, it's who I am."

"But being so shy is holding you back. Try being confident, put yourself out there and if people don't like it screw them, they're not worth it."

I give him a hesitant look which I'm sure he sees out of the corner of his eyes. "But that's not who I am."

"I know, green eyes, but you have to try new things. I said to you that you will be fearless and careless. If you can't do this that'll never happen."

I know I'm going to regret this. "Alright, I'll try."

I see Wyatt smile out of the corner of my eye and it doesn't leave his face for the rest of the ride to school.


Due to the family meal we were slightly late for school which, honestly, was a good thing. It meant no one saw Wyatt and me come into school together, I don't want people getting the wrong idea.

Luckily, I made it into the classroom just before the teacher so my attendance record wasn't damaged. I've never skipped a day of school in my life — if you don't count that one time when I did with Wyatt — the only time I've ever been off is when I'm sick and even then I still try to come in.

The day flew by quickly and before I knew it lunch rolled around. Annoyingly, I was let out of my last class late so had to wait in the queue for fifteen minutes before I could finally go and sit down and of course I was the the last one there.

"Hey guys," I say as I sit down between Ava and Jess.

They all greet me back and continue with their idle chitchat. Jess and Ava decided to catch me up on all the latest gossip, they always do that — Ava in particular — I've never been one to immerse myself in such hobbies but it can be quite humorous to hear some of the things they come out with. One time they told be that Maria Sanchez made out with someone else's shoe for ten full minutes at a party — she was definitely shitface drunk.

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