8-Green Eyes Is Feisty

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Chapter 8: Green Eyes Is Feisty

I feel something vibrating beside me nonstop and it's making my head is pound in my skull at an alarming rate.

I blindly fling my arm across my bed trying to find the cause of the disturbance. My hand clamps around my phone and I answer it without checking the caller ID because I can't open my eyes just yet.


"Thank god, Ari what the hell happened and where are you?" I hear Ava snap, worry and frustration in her tone.

"What are you talking about?"

She lets an irritated groan escape her lips. "I'm talking about how you just disappeared last night, I was so worried. What happened and where are you?"

Did I disappear last night? Wait, what happened last night?

I can't remember much but as I start to wake up I get flashes from the previous night. I remember drinking a lot and the colour blue. That's not a lot to go on.

My eyes flutter open after my internal confusion but what I see makes me pale. I'm not in my room. I don't know where I am.

"Ava I'm going to have to call you back."

"No. Don't y–" she starts but I hang up.

Please tell me I didn't have sex last night, for the love of god, please. I look down to my attire and thank heavens I'm still wearing my dress from last night.

Now onto my dilemma where the hell am I? My eyes scan the room, it's quite nice. The bed is king sized with floral patterned sheets; the walls are painted a cream colour; the carpet is lush and beige; there are a few stunning art pieces on the walls and there's even a little sitting area accompanied by a television. All in all, you can tell the room is expensive but at the same time it is of a simplistic nature.

The door begins to creak open and my head immediately snaps to it, however, the noise grates in my ears, amplifying my already-painful-headache. Fan-fucking-tactic.

My eyes zone in on the person who walks over the threshold and into the room. It takes me a few moments before I can place his face but when I do my heart begins to race and the intensity of my headache increases once again.

It's none other than Wyatt-fucking-King. Oh, hell no.

I'm glad even drunk me wasn't dumb enough to sleep with him but I'm praying that I didn't do or say anything stupid, knowing me I probably did.

"Where am I?" I voice the first of many questions forming in my mind.

He quirks an eyebrow at me. "No greeting? Just where am I."

I give him a deadpan glare and he puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Chill, green eyes, I was only teasing."

A small smile starts to form on my lips at his attempt at lifting the atmosphere but I'm quick to push it away. If Wyatt notices this he doesn't show it. "I'm going to ask you again, where am I?" I try to make my tone firm but it comes out shaky, perfect. In my defence, he's very intimidating in the way he carries himself and just in general.

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