3-It's Disney Time Bitches

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Play I just can't wait to be King from the Lion King for this chapter (you'll know when).

Chapter 3: It's Disney Time Bitches

Let me tell you something, mum was not happy. She said that if she ever saw James again that he'd no longer have his manhood. My mum's scary, I know.

On the plus side she's making a chocolate cake for me to make me feel better — she really is the best.

I didn't get any homework today, hallelujah, so I just relaxed until eight. By that I mean I slept, don't judge me today was emotionally draining so I deserved that sleep.

"Aurora," I hear my mother call, "your friends are here, come down sweetie."

Groaning to myself, I hop out of bed and fix my hair before making my way to the living room. "Hey guys," I say to my friends, who have already made themselves comfortable on the sofas, Max even has a bowl of popcorn.



"What's up."

I plonk myself down on the sofa with Max and place my head on his lap while snatching the popcorn out of his grasp.

"Oi," Max whines. "That was mine."

I stick my tongue out at him. "Stop acting like a little kid and share."

Max grumbles to himself but doesn't reply.

"So what movie are we watching?" Ava asks.

"Dunno, it's Ari's turn to choose," Mason says.

"Yay!" I squeal, grabbing the remote. "It's Disney time bitches."

All three of them groan in unison and Mason gives me a dirty look. I just smirk at their displeasure as I get up to look through my immense collection of Disney movies.

You can't blame me for loving Disney. I mean I named after a freaking Disney princess for crying out loud. I grew up watching everything Disney countless times — thanks to my mum, who shares my passion — so naturally I love it.

My eyes scan the endless number of DVD's in front of me until they land on one that catches my eye. I pick up the case, relishing in the fond memories that came with it, it's probably one of my all time favourites and that's saying something.

After putting the disk in I jump back onto the sofa, making Max to bounce on it and glare at me. I gave him a sheepish smile as I press play.

Once it starts, all three of them groan again. "Oh come on. You can't hate this one, especially the beginning, it has one of the strongest openings ever! CinemaSins even removed five sins right off the bat for the opening," I tell them.

Mason sighs, scratching the back of his head. "It's not that it's not a good movie Ari-"

"Yes, it is," I heard Max mutter so I whack his arm, causing him to go silent.

"-it's the fact that you've made us watch it too many times, more than I can count on both of my hands and feet."

I guess that's a fair point but it's such a good movie. Besides, it's my choice so we will watch it, there's no way he's winning this argument.

"Does it look like I care? It's my turn so we're watching it. I have to put up with all of your dumb movies so I'd appreciate it if you extended me the same courtesy — I'm not saying Disney movies are dumb just to clarify."

Mase is about to protest but I notice Ava nudge him with her elbow and shoot him a look, probably because she knows what I was going through and thinks Disney will cheer me up.

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