53-I Like You

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Chapter 53: I Like You

I'm sitting in Wyatt's car, the midnight blue Tesla this time, and lightly tapping my fingers on my thigh in anticipation about where we're going. Like last time, he won't tell me no matter how much I pout and huff, typical.

Although my mind had been screaming at me to go over the top and dress fancy, I had a sneaking suspicion that an airy dress wouldn't be a good idea, besides I've never been one for dresses anyway. So, instead, I'm wearing a lacy black top and light washed blue jeans that are ripped at the knees, along with my favourite pair of black ankle boots; oh and let's not forget the leather jacket covering my otherwise bare shoulders — nice but not over the top.

Wyatt is dressed in a similar fashion, donning a nice shirt and some dark skinny jeans along with his signature black leather jacket, nothing too fancy but on him it looks mouthwatering — I swear this boy could make a bin bag look sexy.

His hair is roughly pushed back as though by accident but I have a feeling he styled it, no one's hair looks that good messy without effort. I watch as he concentrates on the road ahead of him, his electric blue eyes sparkling due to the lampposts illuminating the dark roads.

He catches me staring out of the corner of his eyes and his lips twitch into a smirk. "Like what you see, green eyes?" Wyatt teases.

"Maybe I do," I reply, winking. It's not often I outwardly compliment Wyatt because it would be weird if I randomly told him just how attractive he was every time I saw him but it felt right this time. His eyes seem to light up slightly at my words and I can't help the smile that takes over my features, loving how I seem to have an effect on him.

"Not driving like a maniac today," I note, realising he's actually driving at a leisurely pace for once.

He shrugs nonchalantly. "We've got all the time in the world, green eyes, no need to rush."

A peaceful silence consumes the car after that and after another half hour or so Wyatt finally brings it to a stop. It's quite dark by the time we arrive so I can't see much. We appear to be in a forest, lush green trees as well as leafy brown ones surrounding us.

I follow Wyatt as he turns to the right and starts walking, latching his fingers around my hand, so I match his pace. Something about this place feels strikingly familiar but I can't place it and my mind swirls in a frenzy as I wrack my brain for answers. Alas, nothing — fucking hell, this is going to bug me so much.

Dry leaves crunch beneath our feet as we walk, the chill of the night air biting at out exposed flesh but it doesn't bother me because the heat radiating off Wyatt's hand interlocked with mine is enough to blanket me in warmth.

After what feels like a lifetime — I'm not kidding, my feet feel like they're throbbing from walking that far in heels — Wyatt leads us down a hill near a cliff ledge and memories start rushing back to me.

I've been here before.

This is where Wyatt took me cliff diving, our first ever outing together. Instead of making us jump this time though, he leads us down to the bottom using a steep winding dirt path, that mesmerising lake reflecting the moonlight in ripples waiting for us to reach it.

"I can't believe you brought us back here," I say with a light laugh as we walk, reminiscing in the memories.

Wyatt shrugs, a lazy grin on his face. "I was hoping that you'd recognise this place. I thought it'd be a nice spot for our first official date."

Date. The word rolls off his tongue so smoothly and perfectly it sends shivers down my spine. "So this is a date then?" I tease, a knowing smirk on my face that I learned from Wyatt himself.

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