13-The Big Bad Boy Needs A Nanny

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Chapter 13: The Big Bad Boy Needs A Nanny

"No it's mine!" Are the first words I hear as I step inside his house. A little blonde boy—no more than maybe eight or nine years of age—runs past me with a small auburn haired boy in tow. The blonde boy appears to be holding something and the auburn haired boy is chasing after him, his small fists raised, I'm not going to lie it's adorable.

There is a scuffling sound from behind them and soon an older looking woman comes into sight, her face is riddled with lines and her eyes have massive bags beneath them, showing her age and most likely a huge lack of sleep. Her salt and pepper hair is messily tied into a bun and she has a frustrated look on her face. She crosses her arms over her chest and speaks in a loud, firm tone, "Noah, Carter! What do you two think you're doing? Stop running this instant, you're going to ruin the house. I don't think you'll both want to have to clean it all up."

Both little boys immediately stop in their tracks and spin around. They both look scared of the woman, the tone she used clearly worked.

"But he stole my toy!" The auburn haired boy whined.

She gives him a stern look. "I don't want to hear it Carter. Both of you go to your rooms now," she says firmly, pointing towards a long corridor.

"Yes Anna," they both say in unison, their stares concentrated on their feet. The blonde boy, Noah I'm assuming, is first out closely followed by Carter.

Anna turns around to face us, her features softening when she does. "Ah Wyatt you're back. Did Cat enjoy his walk?" she asks warmly. I have a feeling she has a soft spot for the dog. As she says this Cat runs past Wyatt towards Anna, hopping around her in glee. Yep, I have a feeling she's his favourite as well.

Anna let's out a light laugh before her eyes finally settle on me. "And who's this young lady?" She questions, her tone indifferent. It's going to be hard to win her over, I'm sure.

Wyatt replies before I can. "This is Aurora, she's tutoring me in maths."

She gives me a once over before returning her full attention back to Cat and walking away with him, not bothering to respond. Okay, she's definitely not an easy one to please.

"Who was that?" I ask Wyatt as I follow him though his mansion.

"That's Anna, she's our nanny I guess you could say. Our parents aren't around much so they hired her to take care of us. She's been around since Nathan was born so she's like family," he replies with a shrug.

"Aww, the big bad boy needs a nanny?" I can't help but tease.

He shoots me a glare for that but doesn't respond, instead his face takes on a stony expression as he continues to lead me through the place until we get to a room that I can only assume to be his. "Make yourself at home," he says, gesturing to his room as he walks to a corner, towards his school bag. I casually make my way towards his desk as he fishes out a textbook and some paper before walking over to me.

"Alright," he begins, "teach me your ways."

I chuckle at him before opening up his textbook and going through one of the topics.


When Wyatt said he was bad at maths I guess I never actually registered how bad he could be. Seriously, he barely had his mind wrapped around the concept of BIDMAS and that junior school level. God knows why he's taking it for A-level he's practically at the same stage as your average ten year old. All I'm saying is that I've definitely got my work cut out for me. I've got to teach him about seven years worth of material in the space of a few months. Pray for me.

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