30-Did He Just Ask Me Out?

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Chapter 30: Did He Just Ask Me Out?

By the end of the day I was exhausted but I did it. I held my head high and just ignored everyone's questioning stares. I walked tall — as tall as a five foot two and a half person can — and proud. It's quite funny really, most people already knew who I was because of James but after this morning it seems everyone knows who I am and for some reason that doesn't make me too uncomfortable, maybe I am changing.

Even James was staring at me today. It's bad but a part of me hopes he was jealous, I know he had no reason to be since we have broken up but I couldn't help but wish so.

Wyatt had asked me to tutor him after school so I did but, like the day had been, it was exhausting, seriously that boy may be good at many things but maths isn't one of them. I've been going through the basics with him and I think he's finally starting to get it but let's just say we've got a long way to go.

Wyatt slams his textbook closed with a loud thud. "God, that took ages," he complains.

"You're telling me."

"Well, now that that's over and done with, I have a surprise."

"What?" I raise my right eyebrow skeptically at him.

"If I tell you it won't be a surprise," he says with a roll of his eyes. "Now come on."

He leads me out of his room and towards the stairs. On the way we end up bumping into his adorable little sister, Brooklyn.

"Hey Brooke," I say to her with a smile.

She grins back at me. "Hi Ari! What are you doing here?"

"I was just hanging out with your brother," I say to her, motioning to Wyatt.

She scrunches up her face in confusion. "Why would you want to spend time with him? He's so annoying and—"

"That's enough, Brooke," Wyatt says with a chuckle.

Brooklyn pouts and I see Wyatt's composure break momentarily, a sad frown crosses his features for a passing moment. He suddenly launches himself at her, grabs her and starts spinning her in a circle. She giggles like a maniac and Wyatt smiles, you can tell he cares a lot for her.

After a few minutes he puts her down. "Again! Again!" Brooke cries, clapping her small hands together.

"Sorry, Brooky-bear, no can do. I have to take green eyes somewhere," he tells her, gesturing towards me.

She frowns but it only lasts a few seconds before her bright doll-like blue eyes light up in excitement. "Can I come with you?"

Wyatt scratches the back of his neck. "Um, I don't know Broo—"

"Please," she says, making a puppy face, embodying cuteness itself, which I know Wyatt won't be able to ignore.

He lets out a sigh. "Fine but you have to be on your best behaviour. Promise?"

"I promise," she grins, interlocking her pinky finger with Wyatt's.


Brooklyn was bouncing in anticipation the entire car ride. I noticed that because she was in the car Wyatt drove a lot slower than usual — I'm talking below the speed limit — he must care for his little sister a lot.

It was so adorable to see Wyatt have a conversation with her, he's such a cute big brother. He talked to her about all the things she enjoys and even had a full five minute conversation about her favourite dolls, I never thought I'd see him voluntarily do that.

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