Bonus #1: The Walls Are Soundproof

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Bonus: The Walls Are Soundproof

"This is pointless, green eyes. I'm going to fail," Wyatt groans, slamming his textbook closed with a loud thud.

Before I can even open my mouth, he pushes away from the desk and flops onto his bed, head in hands. My heart lurches for him; he's been trying so hard and the stress is eating him alive but mollycoddling him won't help. So I have to fight the strong urge to baby him and pretend everything will be fine.

"Maybe I should just drop out and become a stripper. At least I'd get somewhere doing that," he muses, muttering into the bedsheets and I have to do my best to stifle the laugh threatening to surface at his dramatics.

Instead, I move from my chair to sit cross-legged on his bed. "Wyatt," I say softly, lacing our fingers together in an attempt to soothe him. "You'll only fail if you give up. Prove Mr. Stevenson wrong and ace this exam."

He lifts his head so his chin is resting on the covers and his electric blue eyes pierce into mine, a pout on his very kissable lips.

"But he's right. He wasn't going to let me take maths in the first place but father convinced him. I can't believe I let that bastard talk me and the department into doing this fucking subject. He knows I'm shit at it but, of course, his precious son just has to follow in his footsteps," he huffs, still pouting cutely. "How else could he ever make it in this world?"

I roll my eyes fondly at his clear aggravation. "But wouldn't it feel great to rub it in all their faces and prove that you can do this?"

He mulls over my words, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth. "I suppose," he drawls. "But I think there's much better uses of my time," he tells me, a suggestive smirk on his face.

"And what might those be?" I ask, feigning innocence.

He grins, propping himself up on his elbows. "I think you can guess, green eyes."

I tap my chin in thought before shaking my head loosely. "Nope. Can you at least give me a hint?"

"With pleasure," he says lowly, leaning forward to capture my lips. They're soft and supple as always, moving in perfect sync with my own. Our kiss is loving and gentle, his lips caressing mine tenderly.

I move my fingers to wind them through his wavy locks, tugging him closer, deepening the kiss into a much more feverish and passionate one. His arms wrap around my waist, holding me ever-closer as he slides his tongue into my mouth and I happily allow him access.

"Hey Wyatt how's th— OH MY GOD MY POOR EYES," Zack shrieks as he pushes the door open without warning, causing me to jolt away from Wyatt like he's on fire.

Wyatt groans, turning to glare at his brother. "Seriously dude have you ever heard of knocking?"

Zack shrugs, making sure to keep his eyes shielded as if he were a child watching a kissing scene in a movie. "Is it safe to look yet?"

Wyatt scoffs, not bothering to answer his question. "You're almost twenty-two, calm your tits," he says, his grumpy attitude seeming to lessen at his brother's theatrics.

"What's up, Zack?" I ask, clearing my throat and ignoring my ever-reddening cheeks.

He shrugs loosely, flashing me a grin. "Just wanted to see how the studying was going. You know, with your A-levels starting in less than a week and all... and clearly it's going great," he teases.

Wyatt shrugs off his comment, pulling me closer to prove a point, completely disregarding my embarrassment. "Well, Zack, if you ever manage to find a girlfriend as beautiful as mine — which I highly doubt — and she starts being a right tease you try not doing anything about it. A damn impossible task," he concludes, burying his face in my neck to further his point and I can't help the shiver that runs down my spine at the contact. Even after all these months, he still has such a great effect on me, the slightest touch inducing a fire all throughout my body.

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