41-Sleeping With The Headmistress

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Chapter 41: Sleeping With The Headmistress

*3 months later*

Wyatt's POV

Is it dramatic to say that the last three months of my life have been horrible?

It's one thing to start losing contact with someone you care about but it's completely different when they're doing something you know is only going to hurt but you can't even help them.

She wouldn't listen to me. River is terrible for her. He's already starting to make her crack, I can tell. What they have isn't healthy.

I can't blame her for it though, no matter how much I want to. I pushed her away by not giving her the answers she deserved. She doesn't know what he's really like and it's not fair of me to place the blame on her when I'm the one who forced her down that route.

If I hadn't gotten angry and I'd just told her the truth none of this would've happened but it's too late now. I've lost her and I think she's losing herself as well.


I sullenly twirl my spoon in the last of my cereal, the metal clanking against the ceramic dish.

I saw her yesterday at the track — cheering him on.

There's no use in me sulking, I know that. But it hurts too see her having fun with him of all people because I know it won't end well. I wish she would just see that.

"Wyatt," I hear my little sister, Brooke, call, snapping me out of my trance.

"What's up Brookey-bear?" I ask, with the best smile I can muster plastered on my face.

She walks over to me and plops down onto my lap, looking up into my eyes as though what she's about to say is the most important thing in the world. "Have you seen Dan anywhere? He's hidden my favourite doll and I want it back."

I can't help the small laugh that escapes my lips at her seriousness, it's honestly adorable — I wish she didn't ever have to grow up.

"I'm pretty sure I saw him in the games room earlier," I tell her and a look of determination spreads across her face.

She grins and gives me a quick peck on the cheek before jumping out of my lap and running towards the direction of the games room. "Thanks, Wyatt," I faintly hear her call over her shoulder just before she goes out of earshot.

I let out a low chuckle before finishing off my cereal and getting ready for school.

School urgh. Let's just say it's not been the best place in the world recently but as of late I've hated it even more than usual. I'm failing maths again, without her amazing tutoring I'm back at square one and my pride won't let me tell anyone I need help, let alone that I'm failing.

Let's not forget the fact that I have to see River there. He's already graduated but he usually comes to see her and it pisses me off to say the least.

I clench my hands around my steering wheel at the thought.

Sheesh, I sound like a jealous boyfriend or something. Get a grip, Wyatt.

I shake off the anger that's threatening to surface and park my car. I quickly find Eli and we make our way to class together. Just your average day in hell.


By the time lunch rolled around I was already fed up with this place and itching to go on my bike but annoyingly I didn't bring it with me today.

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