32-Why Am I Thinking Of Him?

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Chapter 32: Why Am I Thinking Of Him?

Before long we arrive at school and I can feel my heartbeat start to return to its normal pace.

It's over. I did it.

I release Wyatt from my deathly tight hold on his torso and get off the vehicle. He kills the engine and does the same. "How was that, green eyes?" Wyatt asks as he takes his helmet off.

To be honest it went better than I thought it would and I have a feeling that Wyatt had something to do with that. If I was on that thing with anyone else I probably wouldn't have made it the whole way. There's just something about Wyatt that seems to calm me and make me feel comforted even in the worst situations.

But of course I can't tell him this. I shrug. "Not too bad," I say as I, too, remove my helmet.

I can feel multiple stares burning into the back of my head once I remove the helmet but I pay them no attention. I'm not going to bother with people who stare. I'm just going to live my life, at least this is what I'm aiming for — I hope I can do this.

I take in a deep breath to calm my nerves and turn to look at Wyatt who is also staring at me, his eyes taking in my entire body. "What?" I ask.

He shakes his head slightly. "Nothing. Don't worry about it," he tells me.

I nod in confusion and we both walk into school together, side by side, ignoring the blatant looks everyone is giving us as we do so.


Like last time I was with Wyatt, people were staring and gossiping about me all throughout my lessons but this time it wasn't just because of Wyatt, it was because of my new look as well.

When I stepped into my RS class Ava did a double take when she saw me. She was a bit confused as to why I changed my style but I shrugged and told her that I needed a change, not wanting to mention anything to do with Wyatt. After that she was totally cool and told me that she really liked this style and that I looked really good which was nice to hear.

When lunch finally rolled around I knew I'd have to face the mass gossiping beast that is the cafeteria. However, luckily, when I walked in not too many people noticed — maybe this won't be so bad.

All of my friends seemed to like the new look and supported me in my decision to make a change which I'm very grateful for. Max even gave me one of his stupid flirtatious winks when he saw me coupled with a smug smile — that boy is something else.


The next few days past in a blur and before I knew it it was the end of the day on Friday. I was still going with the whole 'bad girl' vibe and I have it admit it was kind of growing on me. Something about it is just so freeing.

Wyatt had agreed to take me to the track today and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ecstatic. We were going to go to his house and then head out at about eight.

As I was exiting school through the large double doors someone called my name. I spun on my heels and my eyes connected with a pair of brown eyes but not just any brown eyes. I'd seen these eyes so many times and they used to stare at me with love and affection and I used to mirror that look with my green ones.

Now, I'm not sure how they're looking at me, it feels like a lifetime since we last made eye contact for so long.

"What do you want, James?" The name feels like acid on my tongue. It's not that I still don't care for him because I do immensely but this is the first time he's so much as looked at me in ages and a part of me is still so angry with him that I could almost punch him but I won't, violence has never been an answer for me.

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