5-Are You On Drugs Woman?

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Chapter 5: Are You On Drugs Woman?

As predicted most of the school already knows about mine and James' breakup. Gossip really does travel fast; it's not even been twenty-four hours yet.

I ignore everyone's questioning glances as well as the people who vocalise their questions. The reason so many people are curious about the whole ordeal is because James and I were sort of the 'it' couple at school. This is because of how long we'd been together and us both being popular, him more so than me, helped too.

I force myself to pay attention in lessons and not on everyone who is making theories about the reason for our breakup. Honestly, why can't everyone mind their own goddamn business and leave me alone?

Luckily because my mind is so preoccupied, time flies by quickly and before I know it it's lunchtime. Thank heavens, I'm starving.

I get there early so I get some pasta before the line gets long and make my way to my usual lunch table, situated in the nice part of the cafeteria away from all the bins.

Max is already at the table, sitting with the some of our friendship group. As well as him, Mason and Ava our group includes: Chase and Oliver, the twins. They are identical in every way, the only differences that I've noticed are that Oliver has a small beauty spot on right side of his jaw and his dimples are slightly deeper than his brothers. They both have ash brown hair and blue eyes and they do that twin thing that Mase and Max sometimes do only worse.

Let's not forget about Jessica. She's a wild one, I tell you, always out partying and having fun. She has crazy red hair and bright blue eyes that compliment her personality perfectly. She's also quite the daredevil and I believe has never turned down a challenge or dare in her entire life.

Finally, there's Jordan, he's a bit of a man whore. He has dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. He's obsessed with his appearance and you could say his personality is skin deep. However, even though he's a narcissistic asshole, he is decent enough as a friend and a good laugh to be around, especially with all his stupid remarks.

When I sit down everyone is already in deep conversation so none of them notice. I'm grateful that not a single one of them has asked me about the breakup over text or today, probably because they know better. I'm sitting beside Max and decide to listen in on his discussion with Jessica.

"No, absolutely not I refuse to believe it," Max says, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's true. I don't understand why this is so difficult for you, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?! Are you on drugs woman? This is a serious life or death problem."

Jessica sighs in exasperation and snaps her head towards me, acknowledging my presence.

"Thank god Ari, can you please tell this idiot that Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, not Leonardo DiCaprio, he's throwing a fit."

Seriously. We've already had this conversation.

I'm not even kidding, we have actually had this conversation before. Max says stupid things sometimes and is always adamant about being correct even if he's clearly wrong. He'll argue for the sake of arguing, even if he actually knows he's wrong he refuses admit it. Take this as an example, one time we had a four hour argument about what weighs more: a kg of bricks or feathers. He couldn't seem to wrap is mind around the fact that they weigh the fucking same because they both weigh a kg. I tried everything but he wouldn't fucking listen. He was adamant that the bricks weighed more. By the end I think he realised I was right but refused to admit it. He wouldn't talk to me for two days after that, I'm not even joking.

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