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The boys were all exhausted as they shuffled into the dorm, a layer of sweat covering each member from head to toe. Yoongi stepped aside, his sweaty and shaky hands holding the door for the guys. Yoongi's face was blank from exhaustion as each member passed him, but as his two boyfriends approached the door he could feel a smile tug at his lips.

Jimin noticed Yoongi's weak smile and tried to return it, yet the moment he looked up the entire room spun and black spots clouded his vision. Tipping backwards Jimin tried to grab the doorframe for support but the sweat on his fingers caused the wood to slip out of his hold. Yoongi stepped forward to try and catch the exhausted boy, but before he could Hoseok caught Jimin in his arms.

"Oh my God, baby are you okay?" Yoongi asked, his hands going to cup Jimin's flushed cheeks.

Despite the dizziness and dark spots Jimin nodded his head to try and ease the concern of his boyfriends.
Of course Yoongi and Hoseok didn't believe him and worked together to carry their weak boyfriend into the living room and onto the couch.

"Are you okay Jimin?" Seokjin asked while gently stroking Namjoon's sweat soaked hair.

Jimin hummed and reached out his arms towards his boyfriends, his hands grabbing at the air cutely. The two males cooed at their boyfriend and immediately attacked him in a hug, their bodies taking up all the space on the couch.

"I told you to eat something before we started practice, but you never listen Minnie," Hoseok sighed with fake disappointment, he could never stay upset with Jimin.

"Yeah Minnie, when are you ever going to listen to us?" Yoongi added, wanting to tease their young boyfriend even more.

Jimin frowned, his sensitive and tired mind taking their words to heart. He'll remember to be a better boyfriend, because Yoongi and Hoseok deserve better.

"Hyung please tell me we have a day off tomorrow?" Taehyung mumbled into Jungkook's neck but his words were directed to their leader.

Namjoon nodded sleepily and tightened his grip around Seokjin's slim waist. "Yeah we do, manager-nim was kind enough to give us one after all the hard work we've been doing."

Taehyung smiled, his lips dragging against the sweaty skin of Jungkook's neck, which gave the maknae chills. Suddenly the sound of knuckles hitting wood echoed in the quiet dorm, startling the lethargic boys.

"I'll get it," Seokjin said before sliding off of Namjoon's lap and shuffling over to the front door.

It's rare for them to get visitors, so everyone was watching intensely as Seokjin unlocked the door.

"Can I help you?" Seokjin asked the two large men who were wearing black suits and dark tinted sunglasses.

Everyone jumped to their feet when the two men grabbed Seokjin by his arms and covered his face with a black bag. Namjoon ran towards the men but froze when a sleek black gun was suddenly pointed at his head.

"Don't fucking move," The man sneered, his voice dark and laced with evil.

Tears were welling in Seokjin's eyes as a terrible burning sensation overtook his lungs, along with a throbbing in his skull. The mystery gas inside the bag doing its job.

"Let him go! Don't fucking hurt him!" Namjoon growled and stepped forward, if his boyfriend is being hurt he's going to protect him.

Jimin screamed when the man reeled back and cracked Namjoon over the head with his gun, the leaders body immediately collapsing to the floor.

"Get the others!" The man that was holding Seokjin yelled.

Jungkook tensed after hearing that and he pulled Taehyung behind him, determined to protect his boyfriend.

"Get out of our house!" Yoongi growled but you could hear the fear in his voice.

The man holding the gun didn't listen and instead grabbed Jimin's arms. Jimin screamed and Hoseok tightened his grip around his boyfriends waist, he wasn't going to let go.

"Let him go!" Yoongi screamed while beating the man with his fists, which appeared to be doing no damage.

Suddenly the man released Jimin and with one swift movement he socked Yoongi in the cheek. The second eldest immediately collapsed to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth and onto the hardwood floor.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok gasped and during his shock he didn't even notice the man grab Jimin out of his arms.

Jimin thrashed around in the man's arms but the only thing it did was tiring him out and make it easier for the man to manipulate him.

"Hobi! Hobi hyung! Taehyungie! Jungkook! He..help me!" Jimin screamed as the man forced a black bag over his head. The same burning sensation immediately taking over Jimin's lungs, along with the throbbing headache.

The man tossed Jimin's limp body onto the floor before focusing his sights on Taehyung, who was cowering behind Jungkook. Hoseok immediately lunged at the man in an attempt to give the maknaes time to escape, but all it did was injure him. Hoseok cringed when his body was slammed into the wall, his vision quickly darkening in response to the intense pain.

Jungkook was in shock, both psychically and mentally, so when the man grabbed him by his neck and started to squeeze. He didn't know what to do.

"No! Please don't hurt him!" Taehyung cried as he tried to pry the man's meaty fingers off of Jungkook's neck.

The man snickered when he finally released Jungkook, only to grab Taehyung immediately afterwards.
Despite his disoriented state Jungkook tried to help Taehyung, he really did, but instead he was forced to watch as the man shoved a black bag over his boyfriends head.

"S-stop!" Jungkook cried but the men weren't listening. They were too busy dragging his boyfriend and two best friends out of the dorm, and probably out of their lives, forever.

(This is kinda like a sneak peek, soooo, what do you guys think?😂)

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