Chapter 9

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The jersey laid on my bed, but there was no sign of Jayden. He must've dropped it off or something. I opened the jersey and looked in the mirror, holding it against my chest.

I could wear it as a dress, since it came just a bit lower than my mid-thigh. The jersey was blue and at the front it had the school logo on it: a wolf and the name of the pack 'Adonis'. Maybe that's why they all were so gorgeous here... On the back stood his surname, Ajax, and his number, 10.

My eyes went to a little golden plate in the mirror I've never seen before. I bowed down to it.

"Pauline?" I read.

Who was that? I had no idea, I had been here for a week or three now and I've never met a Pauline. I almost knew everybody in the pack house itself. She had to be here if her mirror stood in my room, right? I'll just ask the others at breakfast or something.

Shrugging I stepped in the shower, letting the wonder leave my body. I noticed I showered longer and longer each time, but my hair was growing like crazy here. It was at my shoulders when I just arrived and now it was like at my shoulder blades.

I brushed it out and it looked blonder than before. My eyes were more intense and I nodded something strange: minuscule little gold dots. I've never had them before. Maybe my wolf was slowly coming through, I begged for it.

Somebody knocked on my door and I wrapped my towel steady around it. I hurried to the door, opening it slowly.




I'm only wearing a towel.

"What are you doing here?" I asked hurried.

He frowned at my tone and looked down, but the door was covering me. He eyed me in suspicion and his hand went to the doorknob.

"What are you hiding?" He demanded, his usual scowl returning.

"Nothing." I said quickly, my voice betrayed me.

"Let me in, Ambrosia." He snapped.

"Just give me five minutes-" he barked inside.

I screamed and held my towel steady, while he went through the room looking through everything.
I stayed quiet and tried to calm my breath down.

"Who were you hiding?" He demanded, still not looking st me.

"Who was I hiding?! I just got out of the shower." I said incredulously.

Did he think I would go around with a guy behind his back, when he did that with Kyla to me? No, I would never cheat or betray someone, even if they were such assholes.

"Oh." And that's when he turned to me.

I moved in my place, feeling embarrassed. His eyes roaming over me was not helping at all. This was taking way too long.

"I'll just pull something on really quickly-" he cut me off from going to the closet.

His fingers trailed up and down my arm, making my breathing stop. My body tensed but at the same time I relaxed. I looked at him and he looked at me. My lips parted, but I stopped my tongue from wetting them. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't.

A kiss meant so much and I didn't want to give it when things were like this: unsure and fragile.

"I really need to pull something on." I whispered.

He bowed down his head to my neck. A warmth radiated from him, warming me up. I really liked it, like it a lot.

"Just wait." He whispered, goosebumps appeared in my neck.

His big thumb smoothed them, but it just made more appear. I could feel and hear his chuckle. He was so close, I was so close. My lips parted further and my legs crossed. If this was going to last any longer, I would not be able to hold back anymore.

"I have to." I whispered so quietly, it surprised me he caught it.

My legs trembled when I took a step back. He eyed me and let me go. I could finally breath again.

I stepped to my closet and closed the door. I quickly pulled on a bra and my undies and threw the jersey over it. I decided to go with a highwaisted jeans, at evening I could get really cold here.

I walked out before controlling myself. Ryder was seated on my bed staring at the ceiling, he eyed me when I walked out. His face thundering. I froze.


This was Jayden's jersey. Of course he would be mad. I tried to find a way to make things clear to him, but I decided to go with the truth.

"Just as friends. Nothing more, never." I promised.

"Does he think the same way?" He asked.

"I hope so for him." I replied unsure.

"You would tell me if he developed feelings for you, right?" His eyes went back to the ceiling.

"If it reassures you." I said nodding.

He stood up, his full length intimating me again. Why was I so short or why was he so damn tall?!

"I just wanted to tell you not to drink alcohol tonight. It's not good for wolves who haven't shifted yet. You have really late ones, whom shift when there in high school." He warned me.

"I don't drink anyway." I replied, he raised his eyebrows.

"I lived in the poor neighbourhoods of New York. I know what alcohol does to people and how it ruins their lives." I shrugged.

I closed my eyes for a while, pushing the memories back. I couldn't bring them up without crying and I hated to cry.

"For the better." He replied, eyeing me.

I nodded and he made his way out. But I had to ask him one thing. I needed his reaction.

"Would you let me know if Kyla developed feelings for you?" He froze.

I waited for him to answer. He slowly turned to me, his face unreadable. A hint of anger, shock and disappointment. Why was he disappointed? He shouldn't be at all, I should be.

"That's none of your concern." And he was gone before I go full in him.

Not my concern. People kept eying me when they got close and intimate. I was embarrassed and he just made me promise I would tell him if a guy was into me. Just way too unfair. Letting out a big breathe I was holding for a very long time, I jumped on my bed. His smell welcoming me. But this time I wasn't happy with it.

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