Chapter 22

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Karaoke night was definitely not what I wanted to do after the whole Ella situation, but Rosalie just dragged me along. I haven't confessed to her about Ella and my new found feelings for Ryder. She would hunt Ella down and probably tease me about my feelings.

"I really don't want to", I whined.

"Don't be a baby and shut up", she grinned pulling me into the bar room that was transformed into a stage with room for audience.

"We're early", I frowned.

"We're late, people just don't dare to get up there because Ryder's present", Rosalie shrugged.

"Now I definitely don't want to go", I mumbled.

"What's wrong? I thought you bonded with him after he looked after you?", she wondered.

He was busy sleeping with Pauline.

"Ladies", Marcus smiled when he walked up to us.

"You keep trying a karaoke night, but you know how it will end as usual", he told Rosalie.

"Don't tell me Pauline is going to sing?!", she demanded.

"Yeah, she and Ella are just about to go up", he pointed at them.

"What am I missing?", I asked.

"It's not that she has a bad voice, she actually can sing, but she sings this boring ballads that make me want to commit suicide and once she starts she doesn't end", Rosalie explained.

"And by the way my last karaoke party was a big hit!", she punched Marcus.

"You forced everyone and made everyone drunk", he chuckled.

Rosalie glared at us, while we laughed. We entered the room, I saw Pauline and Ella choosing a song. Rosalie and Marcus were walking towards Ryder and I went the complete other direction towards Olivia. I really didn't want to speak or see Ryder now.

Olivia handed me a water, I smiled and chatted with her until I heard the girls start. Pauline could really sing, it was a truthful compliment. I just gotten tired of the song she choose, all of me, everybody kept playing it for years.

When they were done I willingly applaud as did the entire room. Rosalie quickly interfered before they could choose their second song, I chuckled under my breath. The girl was absolutely mad.

"Are you going to sing alone?", Pauline snapped.

"No, I'm singing with Ambrosia",

No, she didn't.

The room turned to me, while I groaned. I really did not want to sing, probably sounding like a dying whale. But Olivia ushered me to the stage.

"I hate you", I told Rosalie.

"This one song and than I'll let you free", she begged.

"One song", I insisted.

She choose one, immediately a hard one. I glared at her, but she shrugged. Then she dared to give me the hard parts, claiming she was an alt. That didn't mean anything!

Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Just something about the boy
It's the verse in my head
The words that make me stutter
The swag in my step
The change from gray to color
A guaranteed bet
Oh, I found my lucky number
The feeling that you get
Can't help but make me wonder
No need to try
He's just right
He's got that something
I can't let nobody tell me no
No I don't mind
Takes me high
I won't stop until the boy is mine
He got me good
I've got it bad
He got me feeling like a girl gone mad
Got me running around like I'm a lovefool
Taking me down I can't stop
He got me up
I can't come down
He got me locked and I don't want out
I know he's playing my heart and I ain't got no choice
There's just something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
There's just something about the boy
It's the first time we met
The lightening to my thunder
The green light on red
The kiss that pulls me under
It's only for me
If you're the test I got the answer
And I'm all that you need
Now you finally get the chance to
No need to try
He's just right
He's got that something
I can't let nobody tell me no
No I don't mind
Takes me high
I won't stop until the boy is mine
He got me good
I've got it bad
He got me feeling like a girl gone mad
Got me running around like I'm a lovefool
Taking me down I can't stop
He got me up
I can't come down
He got me locked and I don't want out
I know he's playing my heart and I ain't got no choice
There's just something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
There's just something about the boy
I know you like to play it slow
But I'm running out of time
It's like I lost my self control
'Cause you are the one
And you know what you've done
My poor heart's come undone
Baby please
He got me good
I've got it bad
He got me feeling like a girl gone mad
Got me running around like I'm a lovefool
Taking me down I can't stop
He got me up
I can't come down
He got me locked and I don't want out
I know he's playing my heart and I ain't got no choice
There's just something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
There's just something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about
Something about the boy
Something about

At the end of our song Rosalie punched me and I frowned confused at her, a gigantic smile took over her face.

"Why the hell would you punch-", she cut me off.

"What the fudge?! How could I not have known you could sing like Mariah Carey or some high class bish?!", she demanded.

"Because I can't", I stated obvious.

I went way to many times wrong, she probably wanted me to stay. But she shook me hard.

"Rosalie, I'm gone", I announced while she whined.

I walked through the crowd with people telling me I had talent, which really weird me out. Why were they thinking I could sing?? This was so strange.

"I knew you played the piano marvelous, but singing...", I turned to look at Ryder.

"You're really talented", he smiled.

I didn't know how to react, he was complementing me. I wanted to accept it and thank him, but at the same time I wanted to throw my drink in his face and storm off.

"Are you alright?", he asked after my long silence.

"I'm tired, good night", I mumbled and tried to get away.

He grabbed me and we moved to a quiet corner, I winced and closed my eyes. Why couldn't he just let me go for one night? I was so tired now to pick up a fight with him, like we always do.

"Are you still hurt from your recent injuries?", he asked.

"No, it's late, I'm tired",

"It's eight pm",

"I couldn't sleep yesterday, now it's catching up with me", I told him.

He was quiet and eyed me daringly.

"Because of your nightmares?", he asked.

"I don't have nightmares", I immediately lied.

"Let's be honest, you had one each night when you were with me", he snapped.

How would he know that? He was in another room screwing Pauline.

"Just leave it, Ryder", I sighed annoyed.

"If you just told me what the nightmares are about", he insisted,

"I don't have nightmares", I snapped,

He caught me between the wall and him. My breathing fastened bad I pressed myself close to the wall, trying to escape the best I could.

"Stop lying to me, Ambrosia", he growled.

"I'm tired, please let me go", I sighed.

"Fine, but tomorrow when you wake up you come directly to me", he insisted.

"Yeah", I muttered and hurried to my room.

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