Chapter 24

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I woke up in a room I haven't seen before, it was white and filled with light. The bed was as white as the walls and I sat up. My hair fell before my eyes and when I pushed it behind my ears, I saw Felix.

I muffled a scream, he wasn't there a few seconds ago. He moved closer and I watched carefully how he sat down on the bed.

"How did you sleep?", he asked.

"Good, but where am I?", I asked.

"You're in the pack house, my room", I turned red.

"D-did we?", I asked embarrassed.

"Now, I slept on the cough", he pointed at a white cough.

"Oh", I said softly.

"Do you want something to eat or-", I cut him off.

"I want you to tell me everything", I stated.

"Everything being?",

"How you made this pack? Why you're so interested in me?", I questioned.

He sighed and raised himself, walking to the window, the view was amazing. Woods and a large lake.

"Next to the Adonis pack there used to be the moon pack, my old pack. But when rogues attacked and I tried to protect them, I got bitten as did my sister", he explained while I sat up straighter.

"We collected some other bitten people and build up our own pack, while I saw Ryder taking over the moon pack and letting it vanish. In my anger I send a group of rogues to attack them. They came back with Pauline, she was bitten. She stayed with us for a year and I learned she was my mate-", I cut him off.

"Pauline is your mate?", I asked not believing it.

"Yes, but then her friend, Ella, came searching for her. Claiming she had the cure for the bite, it worked and they abounded us after rejecting me. Than months later my sister and her friends were running in the woods and Eric caught her...", he trailed off.

"My sister is 16", he turned to me.

"He was 25, almost ten years age difference", a tear fell down my chin.

"I gave him what he deserved, it may not have been the best way. But he touched my sister, my little sister", I stepped out of the bed towards him.

"I'm sorry", I told him.

"Your voice", he started.

"What?", I asked.

"You asked why I'm interested in you? Your voice, I was walking up to him and you froze me in my spot. I couldn't keep my eyes off you. And you're gorgeous, your hair reminds me of the sun and your eyes are truly magnificent", I blushed.

"They're almost golden, that's why I called you the golden child", he confessed.

"No one ever said something so sweet to me", I whispered.

"I can repeat it a thousand times each day again and again, because I really mean it",

He moved closer to me, cupping my face, guiding it to his. My breathing stopped and I watched him slowly.

"I can't", I whispered when his lips neared mine.

"Forget him", he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

"I can't",

His lips moved towards my forehead and he placed a soft kiss on it, my body froze and I close my eyes. It felt strangely so good.

"Do you want to meet the pack?", he asked.

"You won't let me go, huh?", I asked.

"I really really want you", he insisted boring into my eyes.

I swallowed deeply and back away. Why did I keep forgetting he kidnapped me?


The pack wasn't as big as Adonis, but one thing was different. Everybody seemed to live in harmony, peace and happiness. I liked the aura I was surrounded with.

"Is that her?", a guy walked up to us.

He had blond hair and dark eyes. A handsome sculpted face isn't a mischievous smile, he was trouble. Or he liked causing trouble,

"Yes, Daniel", Felix nodded when a crowd formed around me.

They were at most with twenty, I wondered if this was the entire pack? They all watched me with big eyes and whispered, I felt self conscious.

"This is Ambrosia, Àlpha Ryder's second mate", Felix introduced me.

Is that what I'm known for? Just his second mate? That sucked.

"I never thought this day would come", the crowd spread like the sea did for Moses.

A girl walked through and my jaw feel down, she was absolutely gorgeous. Her long dark hair fell to her low back and her baby blue eyes took me in, a grim formed on her pulp thick lips. She intimidated me.

But she was also so familiar.

"Rhyme", Felix acknowledged her with a smile like old friends.

"It's nice to meet you", she held out her tanned hand to me.

"Nice to meet you too", I shook it.

"Rhyme is-", she cut Felix off.

"Ryder is my twin brother if you wonder the resemblance", my jaw dropped even further.

I never knew he had a twin sister.

"He doesn't like to talk about me, because he seemly haven't told about me?", she guessed.

"No, he didn't",

"My brother is really reserved and doesn't like talking, at least that what the redhead turned him into", she sighed and clapped her hands together.

"But it's all in the past now! Did you get lost, you're not rogue?", she questioned.

I looked at Felix, who grew quiet, the entire group grew quiet. Didn't she know? Didn't she know they kidnapped me? Rhyme seemed to notice it and a dangerous look crossed her face.

"Felix, what are you not telling me?", she asked.

"I choose Ambrosia to be my new mate and Luna", he spoke.

"Are you crazy?!", Rhyme bursted out.

Now I definitely saw the resemblance.

"He has two mates, I practically did him a favor",

"He's going to burst into the pack and kill us all!", she exclaimed.

"No, we won't let him",

"Are you really that naive! You stole an Àlphas mate!",

Felix went quiet and looked around, everybody was now fearful and not so welcoming anymore. Would Ryder figure out where I was and come for me?

I hoped so...

"She's my mate now. I want her, so I'll have her",

"I won't let you fest to the pack because you're so eager for a mate!", she stepped closer.

"How did he even got to you?", she turned to me.

"I kidnapped her",

Now she definitely lost it, the entire pack lost it. Felix tried to control them, but they were way out of hand.

And it all got worse when they arrived.

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