Chapter 25

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First I saw Marcus and Hunter, probably the new gamma, since Eric was dead. They scanned the area, Marcus relieved when he spotted me.

"Àlpha Ryder demands the immediately submission of the bitten pack and to get his mate back!", Marcus announced formal.

"Give her back, Felix", Rhyme snapped.

"No, where's your idiotic Àlpha, too scared to face me?!", he laughed at them.

"I'm right here", and he stepped out of the shadows.

When I wanted to bolt towards Ryder, Felix held me back tightly. Only angering Ryder even more. Rhyme was trying to make sense to him, but Felix only held me tighter, to the point it started to hurt.

"You're the Àlpha, you need to think about your pack! You can't steal somebody's mate, Felix, think for a moment!", Rhyme yelled at him.

"He stole Pauline from me!", he bursted out.

"Because she was also his mate! She rejected you,not hays not his fault!", she insisted.

"You're just defending him because he's your brother!", Felix snarled at her.

"Perhaps, but you're holding onto someone who doesn't want you!", she snapped dangerously.

She was right, I didn't want Felix.

"Hand her over or face the consequences", Ryder spoke, cracking his knuckles.

"Felix!", Rhyme screamed at him.

He twirled me in his arms, grabbing my face and setting his teeth in my neck. A deafening scream escaped my lungs as a burning pain paralyzed my body. Felix lets go of me and I fall to the ground in pure pain.

"She's mine now", he grinned at Ryder.

Ryder bolted forward and the boys started to fight,mi couldn't call it fighting. More Ryder destroying Felix, his wolf went wild on him. Rhyme bowed down to me and tried to aid me the best she could, but I was screaming in pain.

"You got to stay with me, okay?", she held my hand while my vision went black.

"Help me", I cried.

"I'm going to, but you need to stay still okay. We have to wait", she caressed my hair.

My breathing was slowing down and I had trouble staying awake. A shadow fell over us and Rhyme looked up.

"We need to get her to a doctor, Ryder", she insisted.

He fell to his knees, still in shock, first scared to even touch me. Like everything was different all the sudden. But it was I was marked by another male.

"Don't be scared, she needs you more than ever now", Rhyme laid his hand on my head and I somehow calmed down.

"Carry her to your pack", she instructed.

"Come along", he insisted.

"I'm a rogue",

"You're my sister, come with me",

The two were staring at each other while she slowly nodded. My head was buzzing and I moved closer to Ryder. He looked back at me and lifted me up in his arms.


"Where the hell is Peter?!", Ryder demanded.

Rhyme was patting my head with a towel, while I was screaming in pain. The mark was getting worse and worse.

"He's sick, they think he's entering his final days!", Marcus explained.

"He's the only one-", Ryder cuts himself off.

"Rhyme, mom taught you these techniques", he remembered.

"You need to give me permission first",

"I, Àlpha Ryder, give you permission", he spoke.

Rhyme moved across the room, like a real doctor. She bowed to my neck, but then turned to the boys.

"Someone is going to have to hold her dos,my his is going to hurt",

Ryder laid his arms on me, so I was caught. Marcus was patting my head with the towel and keeping me awake.

"Please hurry", Ryder told his twin, his voice trembling.

I felt a knife in my neck, cutting out the mark. I screamed in horror, moving wildly, but Ryder kept me down. Rhyme cleaned my wound and turned to her brother.

"His venom is still in her body. Or she suffers for an entire week and sweats it out or you mark her and your venom will kill his, since you're the true mate", she told him.

With teary eyes I watched Ryder. He wouldn't do it, he hasn't claimed Pauline yet. Claiming me would bring him a lot of problems.

"I'll do it", he replied immediately.

"When you claim her there's no going back and your wolf will force you at all times to complete the mating", Rhyme warned him.

"Well I can't stand her being in so much pain anymore"

"Mark her, Ryder, do it", Marcus nodded.

"Then mark her, brother" there was hint of amusement in her voice.

Ryder whipped my tears away and cupped my cheek with his one hand and with the other he raised me up, to get a better look on my neck. My breathing quickened by having him so close.

His eyes went black and he bowed to my neck, setting his teeth in the wound. First it stung, but then a great amount of pleasure filled my body and before I could stop it I let out a moan. My arms pulled him closer as he licked my wound. It all sounded disgusting, but I was in pure heaven.

"Yeah, that's enough, before she looses control", Rhyme warned noticing my state.

Marcus pulled Ryder off me, his pure black eyes stared at me and I reached out for him, but Marcus dragged him along. I wanted to follow but Rhyme stopped me.

"This is not you, it's the claim making you crave for him. You'll be grateful later", she promised me.

I laid back down, feeling really tired all the sudden. Rhyme smiled at me as I drifted off in a dreamless sleep.

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