Chapter 38

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Golden. It was a royal color. The maids out a last hand on my gigantic dress. I cursed at my mom for choosing a large dress, I was already having difficulties with the heavy crown.

My mom walked in followed by Madison. I slipped on the golden heels and turned to them. Madison gasped and touched my dress like she was in heaven, while my mom cried.

"You look so grown up",

I smiled sadly and pulled her into a tight hug. At moments of this it was really hard, because we both desired to have spent my life together. I've always wanted parents and she has always wanted her first child back.

"Your majesty, it's time", a guard hurried in.

My mom nodded and pulled me along, after touching up her makeup. In the hallway my dad and brother stood waiting. My dad looked nervous, since he walked back and forth.

He froze when he saw me, the same expression as mom earlier. Malcolm came to tell me I looked great, I smiled at him and thanked him.

"Today is a special day", we turned to our parents.

"You'll all step up to the task that were given to your ends you you were born, even you Maddie", my dad held her hand.

Madison was just sixteen. I imagined she was scared, because when I turned Queen her and Malcolm were my court. We would work in a team.

We wouldn't give her such big tasks yet, because of her clear age, but she would have to grow into it. Starting lightly, also with Malcolm, he just turned eighteen and was still in high school.

"We're proud of all of you", mom added.

"Perce, the cars are ready", my uncle Julius walked up to us.

"Are you ready?", my dad turned to me.

I would never be ready.

"Yes", I nodded.

Here goes nothing.


My mom and dad walked in first guided by Julius and Lucia, his sister, they were his court. I saw my dad giving up the crown and stepping from the throne for the new heir.

Time for me.

Madison and Malcolm walked in front of me and I was followed by Royal guards. The room took me in and I kept my head high, I would not fail today. My eyes searched the crowd, until they landed on the familiar baby blue ones. A smile slipped on my lips when I saw Ryder beaming.

I love him.

He sent me a wink and I felt all the pressure and nerves fade away. I knew that as long as he would be my King, I would be able to fulfill my duty. Ryder was all I needed, nothing more.

Malcolm held my hand and helped me sit down on my knees in front of the priest. Madison stroke my huge dress out, until it laid perfectly. She and Malcolm laid their hand on my shoulder, we were ready to begin the ceremony.

"Today we've come together to crown a new ruler, Mona Auria Lunaris!", the priest started.

"Born first child of King Perseus and Queen Amanda, Mona shall claim her rightful place on the throne and take over the duties attached to that honor. Are you aware of the duties you shall have to endure, until the next heir is off age?",

"I am", I replied, my voice surprisingly steady.

"Are you ready to take the throne?",

"I am",

"Now you shall vow that on the most holy item this Kingdom beholds. The Lunaris sword",

The Lunaris sword is the sword of the first ruler of the wolves. Legend says Lunaris stole this sword of a hunter that almost caused the end of the empire and it's a reminder to all rulers you're the protector of this Kingdom.

"I vow to be a great leader for this Kingdom. I vow to reign with compassion and kindness, but also with severity in times of need and with all the power the Moon Goddess has given to me. I vow to take care of the citizens as they'll be my own children. I vow to be the protector of them and even give my life for the Kingdom. I vow to never abuse my power in anyway. I vow to carry the future ruler, a heir to the throne, and it's court. I vow my fullest devotion to the Kingdom. I vow to eliminate every threat to the peace within this Kingdom. If I fail in succeeding this vows, I shall carry the shame and the consequences", I spoke.

I was glad I didn't forget any.

"Do you pledge to step aside for you daughter and let her reign the Kingdom?", he turned to my dad.

"I do",

"You have reigned for a great period, King Perseus, the Kingdom shall forever know your name",

They chanted his name and I smiled up at my dad. Although I've missed out a bigger part of his rulership, I knew he was a great King. Everybody told me and I saw how passionate he was about his people and Kingdom. I wanted to be just like him.

"Take a sip of the water and be stripped away from your given powers",

My dad did as told and clenched his jaw. He told me that drinking that water would hurt a lot. Not for me, because I would gain power, he would loose his.

"Now hand this to your daughter and make her stronger", the priest handed him a cup.

My dad moved towards me and I opened my mouth, swallowing the water. A warm feeling filled my body and my tense muscles relaxed. I felt myself becoming stronger and more powerful.

"Is there anyone against this crowing, speak now or be silence forever?!", the priest called.

A long silence followed and I waited for anyone to speak up. My nerves resurfaced and I prayed to the Goddess no one would. That would be embarrassing and I would have to fight the person in question.

"Here by I, high priest of the lycanthropy of America, pronounce Mona Auria Lunaris, High Queen!", he placed the heavy crown on my head and a rush went through my body.

I felt it. I felt the Moon Goddess blessing me.

I was High Queen.

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