Running into the woods with my chasers, I felt the tension making me faster. The fear and the worry made my legs move fast, but my heart stop.
Desperately I tried to find somebody, something to protect myself. But I was too late, they caught up on...
Rosalie started to play the piano and I held into the microphone, nerves were creeping up my body. Everybody was staring. I hated every second of it.
"The clouds have grown away to start a brighter day...", my voice rang through the mic and from then I closed my eyes.
Rosalie guided me through the song with the piano and I sang. A sense of calmness finally possessed me and I let the music hit me. Even enjoying it after a while. I neared the end and I opened my eyes.
I saw Ryder staring at me, he was dancing with Rhyme. A smile played on his lips when we locked eyes.
"The year of summer is here..." I ended, but before I could receive the applause.
A arrow crossed in my direction and I didn't know how, but I caught it just before it could kill me. Screams were heard and Ryder sprinted towards me, dragging me off the stage.
A girl, not older than 12, walked on the stage, she was wearing a pink pastel dress with matching shoes. Her long brown hair was wavy and her brown eyes fell on me.
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"Ambrosia Knight", she smirked.
Ryder pulled me closer to him, growling at the little girl. My breathing fastened and I found myself scared of her.
"Great reflexes",
She shot that arrow?!
"Ella, darling, join me!",
Everybody stared at pure innocent Ella, but I knew better. She was fake, mean and a bitch. She walked to the girl and bowed.
My jaw dropped and so did everybody else's. How the hell could she be the mother of a 23 year old girl?! She looked 12, that's just impossible!
"Who are you?", I asked, trying to near her, but Ryder pulled me back in his embrace.
"Overprotective now aren't we, Àlpha?", the girl laughed.
"And to answer your question, my name is Isabella", she turned to the Queen, who paled.
"Missed me?",
"Guards", the king boomed.
The guards ran over, but Isabella clapped her hands and they fell to the ground, unconscious.
"Percy, darling, you must know me better than that",
Percy? Darling? What the hell was going on?
"You look like hell. Still worried about your daughter?", she smirked at him.
He paled and shut up. I felt so bad for him, his wife held his hand. But the pain was too visible.
"I did it, you must know. Crept into her nursery, when you were on the report, took her down to the human world, disactivated her wolf and threw her in a garbage bin",
My eyes immediately started to water and Ryder stared at me in astonishment, like he saw me now for the first time. Tears streamed down my cheeks.
"I'm going to kill you!", the King boomed, the ground shook and I could see a hint of fear in Isabelle's eyes.
"Why? Your daughter is alive and is standing right over there", she pointed at me.
The King stared at me and I heard the Queen cry, these were my parents. But none of us made a move to reunite, we were all shocked and scared.
"Pauline isn't Ryders real mate, I just used some magic, hoping he would mate her and immediately reject Ambrosia when he saw her the first time. But then the moon goddess made a rogue bite her and I was busy for an entire hear making a cure for the bite. I succeeded, naturally. Felix, the one Ryder killed, was her real mate", Isabelle went on.
Pauline fell to her knees and Kyla tried to comfort her. What the hell was this for game?! Ryder held me closer, he looked torn and confused about everything, except me. Because he held me closer, safe in his arms.
"Oh and Marcus isn't Ella's mate, she fancied him a lot, so I made him her mate and turned his true mate, Rhyme, rogue",
Marcus and Rhyme stared at each other in shock. This one person changed up our entire lives and she found it amusing!
"Why the hell would you do that?! What's wrong with you?!", I yelled at her.
"Let's take a trip to the past then, the princess demands it!", she laughed.
I cringed at the princess part.
"Your daddy and I used to date and we were about to get married, until your mommy waltzed in and took him from me. So I used some magic to gain him back and I did. Until the moon goddess helped your stupid mommy out and ruined our future",
"I had to take revenge for what she did",
"You took your revenge, leave", The king snapped at her.
"A first child is always the most special. You missed out on her life, I won't give you the pleasure of getting to know her. Mona dies tonight",
My blood turned cool and my heart skipped a beat. Mona was me, I was going to die tonight...