Chapter 15

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In my room I fell down against my door, hugging my knees to my chest. The ghost took me in and there was clear sympathy in his eyes. He tried to smooth my shoulder, but it went right through.

"The brown haired guy with blue eyes and the scary face." I looked up at him.

"Your mate?" He asked, I nodded.

A tear fell down my cheek, I whipped it away fast. The ghost bowed down in from of me, I looked away ashamed. I hated crying in front of people and all this pack brought to me was exactly that.

"Don't be ashamed to cry, it only shows how much you care. Being a caring and compassionate person is something truly amazing. You have a big heart, Ambrosia. Don't be ashamed of showing that." And he faded away.

And that's when I started to sob, I crawled to my bed and covered myself away from me world that was falling apart.


I was late for dinner, the drawing kept me busy. The only new thing I had for the profile of the woman was her very long hair, it reached her low back. One thing I knew for sure, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

I went to the buffet, but nothing spoke to me. I walked through it, not finding anything I wanted to eat. And normally I would eat everything, seriously I was always hungry.

"A buffet?" The ghost scoffed.

"You deserve the finest restaurants and your own servants." He stated.

"You keep talking like I'm some celebrity, which I'm clearly not. I don't even know you're name." I told him.

"My name is Lunar, first king of the wolves." He stood royally high.

"They have a king?" I asked.

"Yes, don't you watch the reports each Friday?" He wondered.

"Well I'm on course duty, so no." I replied.

"Another thing! That mate of yours needs some spanks on his hands." He threatened, a giggle escaped my mouth.

"Talking about the devil." He muttered.

A hand slipped on my back, tingles spreading over my body. I knew it was Ryder by smell and touch. I wondered what he wanted from me. Probably would get angry because I didn't attend training today.

"Aren't you taking anything?" He asked, staring a t me empty plate.

"I'm not hungry." I replied.

"You always take four plates." He commented.

Told you I was always hungry.

"Well not today." I said, laying my empty plate back.

"I got you something." He said.

I looked up, he looked nervous. I frowned, he was never like this. He was carrying a blue box with a golden lint.

"What's it?" I asked not taking it.

"You'll have to see yourself." He pushed it in my hands.

I stared at it and he waited patiently. My fingers started to unwrap it, I didn't like doing it but I was curious. I pushed the paper aside and there was a black rectangular box with golden letters 'Pandora'. My mouth dropped open and I opened it, a little golden bracelet with a blue charm in the middle.

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