Chapter 43

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The next morning we sat around the Christmas three and shared gifts. I sat next to Ryder with Orion on my lap. Augustus and Primrose sat closer to the three, hurrying through their presents. From toys to books and dresses and family accessories, thy got it all and thankfully loved it all.

"Oh, I love it, granny!", Primrose squealed and spun around in her new puffy dress.

"I'm glad you love it, honey", my mom kissed her cheeks.

"This one is for you", Ryder kissed my cheek and handed me a small box.

My dad took Orion from me and I opened it softly, to see a little charm bracelet. It was golden with one diamond in the middle. So simple, but yet breathtaking.

"Ryder", I whispered and looked up to him.

"I know you don't like gifts, so just smile and accept it", he told me.

I was quiet and pulled him in for a tight hug. After all this years I still didn't like to get presents. It never got away, which was hard when you had a husband who bought you something every week.

"This is my present for you", I handed him and envelope.

My entire family moved closer to see what it was. I've been quiet about it, they were all dying to find out what it was. Ryder opened it and read the card. Before I knew it he had me lifted up in his arms, kissing me in front of my parents and the kids.

"What?! What is it?!", my mom demanded.

"I love you", he told me.

"I love you too", I whispered holding into him.

"Mommy, What is it?!", Augustus asked impatiently.

"You're getting a new sibling", Ryder smiled proudly.

The room elaborated and I got hugged more times than I could even count. We would be having our fourth child and only good things could come our way.


The little girl had black hair and familiar baby blue eyes. She was running around the throne room, while I sat on my throne talking to Malcolm. A worry filled my eyes as I kept eyeing her.

"Baby, please be careful", I called out.

"Look how fast I can run, mommy!",

She wasn't fast, rather slow. Very slow. Also she was having trouble keeping up with her breath. She was still so young, four years not older. Why was she having troubles breathing?

"That's enough, Violetta", I called out sternly and she froze.

Her big eyes turned sad and filled with tears. Regret immediately filled me and I neared her. She gave me the saddest face you could imagine and I felt my heart breaking. I caressed her long locks and heard her still trying to catch up with her breath.

"You have a weak heart, baby, I don't want you to endanger yourself",

"Okay", she mumbled and I lifted her up.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and I felt tears whelm up in my eyes.

I shot up to see my dark bedroom. The clock next to me showed that it was 03:23. My breathing was fast, but I quickly tamed it. I was spooked out. Was that a glitch of the future or just my imagination?

What an awful imagination did I have.

Ryder laid next to me, still asleep, his back turned to me. I was scared to go back to sleep, but didn't want to wake him. If I only got him to turn around, so I could snuggle into his arms.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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