Chapter 20

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My body jumped up and my eyes flew open, I tried to breath but couldn't. This nightmare was really intense, like it had never been before. So vivid and alive, the woman she was talking. Her voice a foreign accent and so honey sweet and charming.

"Ambrosia." Ryder laid his hand on my back.

I squinted the sleep out of my eyes and looked at him again half naked. Why was he half naked? I fell asleep a hour ago in the morning.

"How late is it?" I asked confused.

"Two in the morning." He sighed still worried.

Did I sleep for an entire day? The doctor was right, resting was helping. But I still was in pain.

"Did you have a bad dream?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I confessed.

He went with his hand over his head, to wake him up. I could hear his breathing deepen and fasten up. My heart was louder and I tried to tame it, but him touching me didn't help. Not at all.

"What was it about?"

I didn't answer. This was my biggest secret and if he knew it, I would be completely dependable of him. I didn't like the thought, because we would never be together.

"Nothing." I stated, my voice trembling.


"Just sleep." I cut him off.

I laid back and snuggled in the sheets and turned away from him. He didn't move and I could feel his stare boring into my soul. I just hoped he didn't saw me through or worse figure things out. Ryder was, to my unfortunate, intelligent.

"Just come here, brat." He grunted and pulled me in his chest.

All the tension left my body and for once I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Two weeks later and with Ryders mom special herbs my bruises were gone and I could move my leg. Ryder still wanted me to stay in bed, but I had to catch up on school. There was no way I would let Yale pass me by.

I walked downstairs for breakfast and people of course watched me, but I ignored it. Evidently it would be awkward and all, but I saved a little girl. I felt damn proud about that!

"What are you doing?", Jayden joined me at my side.

"Going to breakfast", I said in my duh-voice.

"You're still injured", he stated.

"I can't stand staying in a room 24/7. It drives me nut!", I groaned frustrated.

I took a plate and started to fill it. Jayden kept worrying, being a Ryder 2.0. Really irritating, luckily the food brought up my mood. Otherwise I would've already slapped him or worse.

"Jayden, I'm fine. Please", I grunted sitting down over Rosalie.

"Jayden", she snapped, confusing me.

"You're still injured and-"

"Can't you go away, this isn't your table, idiot", Rosalie snapped.

Jayden glared at her, but she looked more dangerous. I looked between the two of them, last time they were so in love and now...

"What happened?", I questioned.

"Jayden's feelings weren't mutual", Rosalie said her voice tight.

"I told you that in the beginning", and they started to fight.

It got louder and louder. Soon a whole audience crowded the table. Marcus was absent as was Ryder. I knew they had breakfast pretty early together last time, because of the rogue danger.

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