Chapter 11

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Before you jump into conclusions I need to explain this: people get drunk from alcohol, I get drunk from every sugared drink there is. So when Rosalie handed me a Fanta and I chugged it all the way down. Let's just say I went wild on the dance floor.

I've made friends at my time in the kitchen and cleaning the house, so I danced with them. Rosalie had gone to the toilet, but hadn't returned yet. After a time I forgot about her and lost track of time.

Jayden and his band performed and they actually really good. They were that kind of pop rock band, like five seconds of summer. I liked it, they were talented.

I wanted to thank him, but he disappeared after the performance. I would do it at breakfast and the dj started a really good track so I couldn't redeem myself from dancing.

My feet started to hurt, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes for a while and everything just slipped away: Ryder, the Pauline girl, rogues, my wolf and my parents. All the worries left my body and I was set free. But it didn't last long.

The music drifted my body around and I kept going, nobody would stop me. Until two strong arms went around my waist.

In a haze I turned around to slap the person, but it was Ryder. He grabbed my incoming fist and eyed me.

"I didn't know it was you." I yelled to come over the music.

"Parties over kiddos!" The music stopped and the lights went on.

"No!" I moaned and tried to get free from his grip.

I wanted to dance again. Get free, rock till dawn! Okay, that Fanta was making me go insane.

"Mouth open." He instructed.

I frowned hut he didn't leave me the choice. He opened it and smelled. I pushed him off and stared at him in anger.

"You didn't drink. Why do you look drunk?" He wondered.

"Fanta." I admitted.

"Who the hell gave an ADHDic kid Fanta?!" He wondered again.

"Can I have some?" I asked.

"No, Ambrosia. All the guys were watching you dance." He snapped.

"Oh, that was my dance move. I came up with it on my own." I showed off.

"It was too sexy." He commented.

I stared at him, the words sinking in. But a giggle escaped my mouth and I laid my arms around his neck, feeling goofy and giddy. He sighed and raised my feet of the ground and carried me away. I struggled in his grip and fond a way to his back, while he grunted.

"Giddy up." I jumped up and down.

"I'm not a hoarse." He snapped angry.

"For me." I said in a baby voice.

He shook his head and stayed stubborn. All my pleadings were denied and he still wouldn't move. I pouted and sighed. He grabbed me back and carried me upstairs, I tried to find rescue in the crowd.

Rosalie was in a hidden corner kissing a guy, not just some guy. It was Jayden! I tried to catch her gaze, but she was too consumed in their kiss. As her best friend I was worried and happy. Jayden was a great guy, but this was a different world with mates and wolf stuff. What if he didn't end up to be her mate? I don't want her to be sad. But she had a crush on him and I could only hope for the best, right?

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