Chapter 12

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Next morning I woke up sore, but I had training with Beth. Yeah, today I was going to die. I tried to freshen myself up as much as I could, but my nightmares were getting worse and worse by the minutes passing by. I should talk to someone about them, but who? Ryder... No after last night we were back at the beginning, I was reminded why I never could fall in love with him. Not until he stops his affair with Kyla. Maybe Rosalie, but she had her own problems now. I've made all this friends, but no one looked safe enough to tell my biggest secret too. I just had to keep it a secret...

Beth stood waiting for me and when she saw my state, her grin widened even more. If she wasn't the devil himself than I didn't know. Nobody could be so cruel without being the devil.

"Looks like someone has a hangover. Don't worry, pussy, I have the perfect way to cure you from it." She was full on smirking by now.

My stomach turned and I held myself for the worst to come. I followed her to the ring and noticed she was pulling on gloves. Was she going to fight me?! I wasn't ready for that yet!

"Ambrosia is with me for today."

I could've kissed the guy. Ryder laid his hands on my shoulders and Beth nodded dazed. She was so in trance by his beauty and it irritated me how all the girls in the pack eyed him like he was some sort of delicious candy. He was, but they didn't have to show that off.


My breathing was even and I felt the adrenaline fill my veins. I loved running. Ryder run next to me in shorts and a shirt showing off his muscles. I was still upset about last night. But the running made me feel alive and it was the only thing I was eager for now.

"One last lap and we'll stop for today." He announced, I nodded.

We have been doing laps for as long as I can remember. Not that I mind, I loved it.

"Why don't we make it a race?" He grinned before speeding up.

"CHEATER!" I exclaimed laughing.

He chuckled and sprinted in such grace. I trailed behind him, giving everything. My legs were burning, but the pain felt so good. Slowly I passed Ryder, who eyed me in shock. But pride went through his eyes, which made me go even faster. Hands crept around my waist and I was lifted up, I squealed and my face fell against Ryder's butt.

"Ryder!" I yelled laughing.

He laughed and run out. I wiggled in his grip and he finally let me go, I almost stumbled but he helped me.

"I won." He announced, I pouted.

"You cheated!" I accused him, he only bursted out in laughter.

I playfully pushed him, he grabbed me back and so we went inside to lunch. Laughing like idiots and teasing each other.

"You aren't faster than me!" He laughed sitting down at our usual table.

"I am and I'm stronger!" I objected, making him laugh even harder.

Seeing him laugh made me laugh, he was so beautiful.

"Competition arm wrestling!" I demanded.

"You got yourself a deal, Knight!" He grinned.

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