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*Raegan's P.O.V*

I was at a meeting. I left Justin home with Josh and Cara and I'm here with Tyler , Matt and Sidney. The other gangs found out that I killed Grayson. He was like a seeker to them. He had all the codes, all that shit stuff, and I gotta say, Grayson was really talented with weapons. But I don't give a flying fuck. He beat up my baby, he got what he deserved. I don't fucking care he was my brother as long as he lead one finger on Justin's soft skin. 

"You killed our best member , BEAST!" the other gang leader yelled right in my face


"Besides that, he was your brother" he then added

I came closer to his face, grabbing his collar and whispering:

"In my world is just Justin, I don't give a flying fuck about Grayson. So don't remind me I was brothers with that mistake" I said, staying back to my place.

"We would have to find a member, so because you are Grayson's killer, you're gonna do it" 

"Who says that?" I said, not caring


"And who the fuck are you to give me attitude?" I said slightly angry. I can talk to him like that. Why? Because I fucking create all the gangs. I just keep up with mine. So basically, I am the king, but we have some rules.

He didn't respond. I stand up with Matt , Tyler and Sidney, and we left. As we were at the door way, I heard a noisy gunshot. I turned around, and Zayn (the other gang's member) has his gun pointed at me. A smirk plastered on my face as I walked slowly to him. He knows that if he presses the trigger, his life ended. So he won't do anything to me. 

"Do it, right now. Shot me" I casually said

He didn't did anything, but aimed the gun down.

"That's right, you pussy" I said with disgust than walk out to my car, with Matt, Tyler and Sidney following behind.

*time skip till they're back at the house*

I entered in, and Justin was on the couch. He was reading a book. I walked to him , kissing his forehead and staying down besides him. He smiled at me then put the book away, then sit in my lap, putting his hands around my neck. I stare into his eyes until I passionately leaned in, kissing his soft lips. It felt so right. I can feel him smile in the kiss. God he's so adorable. I just wanna squeeze his cheeks like a grandma does. Sorry for my awkwardness. We pulled apart and he smiled.

"Missed me?" he asked softly


"I missed you too"

I smiled and I put my arms over his waist, trying to don't hurt his back. He flinched.

"I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay"

"I hate to see you like this"

"I love to see that you care" he added

"I fucking care about. You're not some kind of bitch I'm using, you're different. You have confidence and I like that. I love when you give me attitude. I find that adorable. I like how you don't let anybody use you like a toy. I love when you're being adorable, and that's like 24/7 . I just, I don't know, I fell in love with you that it slowly drives me crazy. Crazy for you though" I smirked at the last part. A blush filled his cheeks as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. God damn, I love when he does that.

"I love you" he added

"I love you much more"

I didn't really have a serious relationship. I was just frustrated and I thought that love could fix it. I was right, but not really anybody's love. His love is the best for me. He is the cure to pain. My pain....

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