Chapter 2

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It had been a couple of days at the new school and I started to fit in with Ashly and her friends. I was still the shy one and music was still my favorite thing in the whole world, but even though I hung out with Ashly, I was still thinking about Josh Ramsay. I still wanted to know more about him. He hadn't been to school since I talked to him or else I just hadn't seen him. It was break time so I went to the library to look at some new books I told Ashly, but really I was there to check if Josh was sitting somewhere. To begin there was no sign of him, but then he ran towards the toilets. I wondered if he was okay? Did he get sick? Nobody ran after him, like to check on him. I couldn't do it, he was in the men's room. I sat outside, waited for him to get out. Ten minutes quickly went by and I only had five minutes left of my break. Then Josh walked out and saw me staring at him. He came closer. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a blue dress shirt, and a leather jacket. I thought he was on his way out of the library when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him.

"Josh! What are you doing? Where are we going?" I asked and tried to come free of his grip. Josh was way stronger than me, even though he was a skinny guy. He pulled me with him over behind the bookshelves, where we first met. Josh pushed me against one of the shelves, I could feel the books in my back. He looked around himself and made sure we were alone before talking.

"Did you spy on me?" Josh asked with a stiff look in his eyes.

"...No... No, I didn't, I only saw you ran out there and I wondered if you got sick." I said

"Good... Sorry, if I scared you... Hannah." Josh said and looked down at me. I then realized how beautiful his eyes were. They were a mix of the ocean and a sapphire crystal. What am I saying?! His eyes were blue. Within a few seconds, they changed again to this dark almost black color. He had weirdest mood swings.

"I should get back to class now..." I said, but I was still stuck in Josh's grip. He didn't seem to have heard me and kept holding my wrist, I was still standing up against the shelf. "Josh?" I tried again. He loosened up from his grip and took a step back. His eyes were still focused on me and I felt locked in his eyes. The bell rang and Josh slowly turned around to walk away.

"Wait... Josh?"

He looked back to me. "Yes?"

"I wondered if you wanted to hang out with me... In the next break?" I said. I felt bad asking him, but Josh was finally here and wanted to talk to him about what Ashly said.

"I would, but I don't have time right now," Josh said. Of course, he said that. He didn't want to hurt my feelings. A guy like him would never hang out with me, a shy girl who doesn't know a person. "But here's my number. You can call me later if you want." Josh said and handed me a piece of paper. WHAT! I just got Josh's number!

"Alright cool, I will!" I couldn't hide my excitement and smiled at him.

"Cool, we'll talk later then," Josh said and left me by the bookshelf. We could almost call it our bookshelf by now. I headed back to class and apologized to the teacher for being late. The rest of the day took forever and don't think I paid that much attention in class. All I could think about was talking to Josh again.


I walked home, thinking about calling Josh. Thinking about asking him what Ashly meant about he's trouble. He seemed so nice to me and just a quiet guy. I couldn't imagine how Josh could be trouble for me, I just wouldn't believe it. I saw my house come closer and as I stood in front of the front door, I heard my mom and Phillip argue about something. I opened the door and took off my shoes and jacket. I walked into the kitchen where Mom and Phillip were.

"What are you guys talking about?" I said as I entered.

"You," Phil said ice cold.

"Me? Why?" I asked and looked confused.

"Why did you come late to class today? Your teacher sent a message home to me," My mom pointed out and I just thought did they really write home because I was ten minutes late for class. I forgot the time when I talked to Josh.

"I was using the restroom okay?" I lied. I hoped they didn't notice, I hated to lie but I didn't want them to know I did it on purpose. 

"Hannah, you would never use the bathrooms at school. I know you too well for that," Phil said and confirmed that I was lying. 

"Are you lying to me now also?! That's enough young lady, go your room right now!" My mom yelled at me and I ran down the hallway to my room and smacked the door behind me. I cried and I couldn't stop, it wasn't because I was sad. I just haven't had an argument since Dad passed away. Luckily for me, Mom hadn't taken my phone from me so I could still talk to Josh. I typed in his number and hit call. It stopped ringing when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, it's Josh,"

"Hi Josh, it's Hannah... From the bookshelf," I said and added that because he maybe wouldn't remember me.

"I thought you got too scared to call me," Josh said, it sounded kinda seductively.

"Why would I be scared of you? No... something just got in the way," I said and tried to forget about me and my mom's argument and that I had been crying. 

"Are you okay Hannah? You can talk to me about it if you want to," Josh offered. Like that was so sweet of him, did he really care about me? About my problems? This was the sweetest thing anyone had said to me.

"Well there is actually something, but you don't need to listen to that Josh," I said not wanting to bore Josh with my silly argument with my family.

"Hey, I will listen if you need it. Come on you can talk to me, I won't tell a soul," Josh promised me.

"Okay, I had an argument with my mom because I came late to class after talking with you, Josh," I told him.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to get into trouble," He sounded sorry.

"No don't worry about it, Josh. It's just I haven't argued since... since," I stopped. I broke into tears, I remembered I hadn't told Josh about Dad. 

"Don't cry... talk to me instead, what's wrong?" Josh cheered me a bit up. I told him the whole story and how I was there for to the last second of his life. Josh tried to cheer me up but failed.

"You should not be alone right now, isn't there anyone you can get a hug from?" Josh asked me.

"No, they're mad at me and send to my room after we argued," I said quietly.

"They? Do you have siblings?" Josh asked.

"Yes, a big brother. His name is Phil, I mean Phillip," I answered.

"Call for him, he can't be mad at you like the way your mother is," Josh said. I guess he was right. Josh was a great listener and he came up with some good ideas to feel better.

"Okay, I'll do that. Thanks for talking to me Josh," I said.

"My pleasure, see ya, Hannah," Josh said and we ended the conversation. I walked to the door and looked out. I could hear the tv in the living room, so I tiptoed across the hall to Phillips room. I knocked and opened slowly. 

"Phil?" I said while opening. 

"Yes?" Phillip said and turned around in his desk chair. 

"Hi Hannah, you okay?" He followed up. I walked over to him and just hugged him. He placed his arms around me and stood up. It was nice to be in my brother's arms, I felt protected and safe with him. We didn't talk for about five minutes and then he walked me back to my room. It was slowly getting late, so we sat and watched a movie. I fell asleep halfway through, next to my brother.

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now