Chapter 13

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*Hannah's Pov* 

Bright lights were shining when I woke up. The room I was in was completely white. I saw Mom sitting next to me in a chair, she had her eyes closed, she was asleep. I was confused, why was I here? My head was hurting and my arm felt heavy. I lifted it up to see a cast around it. Then I remembered what happened between Phil and Josh. Where were they right now? I needed answers, so I turned over to my mom.

"Mom?" I said.

She woke up immediately and leaned over to me. 

"Yes, sweetheart? Is anything okay?" She said.

"Where's Josh? Is he okay and where's Phil?" I asked.

"Phil is at the police station but don't worry about him. I'll pick him up later and see what will happen to him. Phil hit Josh pretty hard in the jaw so the doctors are checking on him right now. He's coming back soon, Hannah. He was so worried and wouldn't agree to leave you when the doctors told him to go with them," My mom said. 

"Aw... Mom, he's really so good to me. Can't you see that?" I asked.

"Josh is a wonderful boy, sweetie... I do think he's good for you. I just need to figure this out with Phil, you see he's not himself right now and I need to find out what I can do to get my son back," My mom said.

"I'm sure he'll be great again, Phil just needs a little time off from everything... Anyways what happened earlier? The last thing I remember is that Phil pushed me after Josh tried to hold my hand," I said.

My mom then told me the whole story from the start until I woke up. When she finished, the door opened and in came Josh. Oh, how his face lit up when he saw I was awake. He looked so happy and I couldn't help but climb out of bed to go and hug him. 

"Hey, my girl..." Josh whispered in my ear while he wrapped his arms around me. "You'll have to be a little careful with me because the doctor is saying I have a concussion," Josh said, both to me and my mom. 

"Oh no... I'm so sorry, Josh. Are you hurting right now?" I asked and pulled out of the hug.

"No, I'm not... A little dizzy but that's all. What about you, baby? How's your arm?" He asked.

"Doesn't hurt but it's heavy. I'm just happy you're with me again," I said.

Josh gently stroked my cheek and let his hand rest on it before leaning down to kiss me. I didn't even care that my mom was in the room, she was fine with me being with Josh. I just kissed him because I wanted and needed to. The kiss was so passionate and we held around each other for a long time before letting go. I looked at Josh and smiled, he made me incredibly happy. 

"I was so worried about you, baby... It was horrible to see you laying completely unconscious and we had no clue why. Please never do that to me again, promise me..." Josh whispered. 

"I promise..." I said and buried my face in Josh's chest again. 

Then we just talked for about ten minutes about everything that had happened and what was going to happen between the four of us. A doctor also came in and told us the reason I had been unconscious for that long was that my body couldn't handle the pain as I had broken my upper arm in three different places. He said we could go home and rest up, that was mostly pointed towards Josh. No television or any other sorts of screens until tomorrow at least and he should not do a lot of physical work this next week. We said goodbye and left the hospital. We took a cab and arrived at home five minutes later. 

"Alright, kids. I have to go to the police station and check on Phillip. Are you okay with being alone for some time?" My mom said. 

"Of course, Mom. We'll be fine here," I said then Josh and I went inside as my mom drove off. 

"What do you wanna do, baby? We can't really watch a movie with my concussion," Josh said.

"Honestly, I just wanna lay with you. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Sounds fantastic," Josh said and grabbed my hand.

We walked to my room and when we came in Josh turned around to face me. He didn't lean in for a kiss, just leaned down to give me a simple and warm hug. He held me tight for I don't even know how long. 

"I love you. I love you so much, Hannah..." Josh said after a while. 

"Josh..." I looked up at him. "I love you too," I said.

"The doctor took a blood test on me... So he saw the heroin of course but he just said 'We all got stuff to deal with, kid. You can go back to your girlfriend now'. The fact that he knew you were mine felt so good inside. You're my girl and mine only..." Josh finished talking.

"You're my whole world..." I pulled at Josh's neck and kissed his lips softly. 

He held tight around me and lifted me up. I stopped him though, he shouldn't be lifting me in his state. I dragged him over to my bed and crawled under my blanket with Josh right after me. I cuddled up to him and placed my arm on his chest. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence of laying with my favorite person. 

"I don't wanna go to rehab..." Josh said after a little. His voice was very low and soft

"Josh... Don't say that. You want to get better, I know you do. You'll come back out clean and free from all your problems," I said while looking at Josh with a smile on my face. 

A silence filled the room once again but my eyes never left Josh's. I could tell he was afraid of going without heroin. I couldn't imagine the pain he would have to get through, I didn't want want to think about it. I had seen it and that was only going without it for half a day. 

"Are you scared, Josh?" I asked and took his hand in mine.

"Yes... but not of what you think. The pain will be rough but I'm more concerned that I'll go right back into it when I'm out," Josh looked at me. 

"I'll be there to make you sure you don't. Josh, you can do this, I believe in you," I said.

"You're the best, how will I be able to go a month without you?" Josh said and pulled me closer to his warm chest. He sat up and caressed around with my hair between his fingers. It felt super good to have his hands and fingers there, I was so relaxed. 

"Stop worrying about it now. There's still two weeks until you have to go," I said and leaned a little back to look him in his eyes. "We have so much to do before you can go anywhere. Your sister's wedding next week, getting things worked out with Phil and then I promised you something we would do," I said and kissed Josh.

"Stop for second... I don't want you to feel pushed by the time, alright? You have to be ready and if you aren't before I go to rehab, then it'll be like that. Got it?" Josh said.

"Yes, Josh..." I said.

"Hey... I'm not mad at you, baby. Come here and lay down with me and take a nap while we wait for your mom," Josh said and laid back down on the pillows. I followed and used his shoulder as a pillow. He was nice to sleep on, soft and warm. I could hear his heart beating and it calmed me so I quickly fell asleep. 

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now