Chapter 41

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"Aw no, my sweet boy..." 

"Son... I should have gone out to look for him,"

"It's no one's fault. We're glad he made it,"

"Thank you for not leaving him... Thank you so much,"

"I could never do that. He's my friend," 

I heard voices. I couldn't quite tell who was who. I think I heard my parents but I couldn't recognize the rest of the voices. Where was I? What were they talking about? He made it, what was that supposed to mean? I couldn't remember anything. They kept talking around me. I just wanted them to shut up because I was tired. 

"I think he's awake now... You can try and talk to him," Someone said.

Damn it. They realized I wasn't out.

"Josh? It's Mom. Dad's here too," She said.

"Hey, Son... You're all good now thanks to your friend here," Dad said.

"Hey, Josh," A guy said.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was curious to see who it was. I saw no other than Brennen. What the fuck actually happened? What did Brennen help me with? I had so many questions. 

"What?" I said.

I couldn't get more out. My voice felt bruised and sore. 

"Mr. Ramsay, you must be confused and that's totally normal for cases like these. Last night you drank way too much and fell over down by English Bay. Your friend found you just in time and drove you here to the hospital. Your parents were called and here we all are," The doctor said.

I nodded.

"You're a very lucky guy. If it wasn't for him, you probably wouldn't be here. Your throat might be sore for a couple of days and I don't want you running around for the next couple of weeks. Stay in bed, rest and keep warm..." The doctor finished.

I gave a thumbs up. 

"We'll make sure he stays inside," My mom said.

Is this a joke? For fuck sakes. I sat on the edge of the bed and my dad handed me my coat. I thanked Brennen very briefly and then my dad drove the three of us home. I got put to bed and my mom made me tea which she sat next to me on my bedside table. I spend all this forced bedtime to write. I wrote and wrote. I had so much pain and frustration in me. I wanted my feelings to stop but at the same time, I didn't because that meant I would stop loving. I would stop loving Hannah. I couldn't even think about how it would be like to love somebody else. I'm wondering if she misses me too. Please don't miss me, Hannah. I can't bare if I'm hurting her. 

*Hannah's Pov*

I miss him. I miss him all the time. I want him back more than I want anything else. He's my rock and my supporter. I had been strolling through our messages. I cried a lot but it was worth it just to feel his love for me again. I needed him to hold me and say that he loves me. I want him to say it to me. I want him to yell it to everybody he knows. I want him to write me a love song. I want him to know that I still love him. 
A month had passed since I last saw him. We haven't spoken to one another. I missed his voice. I hadn't left my house. This had been the worst summer I had ever experienced. It was even worse than the summer Dad passed. I hadn't even signed up for any universities. I didn't want to leave Vancouver. I felt at home here because he lived here. Eventually, I knew I would have to start a job and move out. I was turning 19 in October and I couldn't keep living home even though that was the easiest. My phone rang.

"It's Hannah," I said when I picked up.

"I'm so glad you picked up..." 

That voice. 

"I've been such a jerk. I'm sorry," 

It was.

"Can I talk with you for a couple of minutes?" He asked.


"Yes..." I said and burst out crying.

"Please don't cry... I'm so sorry for everything. I fucked up," He said.

I couldn't speak.

"I want to see you, Hannah. I want us again. I messed up and made the wrong decision. I can't be without you any longer. I'm hurting and can hear you are too," He said.

I was so happy to hear him say that and it made me cry even more.

"Do you want me back?" He asked.

"I do," I sobbed. 

I sounded so ugly. Oh god! I couldn't believe his words. I wanted this so badly. I needed to see him. I love him. There was silence for a while on the phone. 

"Josh..." I said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Can I please see you. I miss you," I said.

"Long story short. I went to the hospital a couple of days ago and they told me to stay in bed so you will have to come over here," He laughed.

"When? Are you okay, baby?" I said.


"Uhm... sorry for the 'baby'," I said.

"Hannah, don't apologize... Come over and I'll explain everything," He said.

"I will. Don't you dare go anywhere. See you soon," I said.

"See you," He said.

I showered, shaved and even put makeup on. I wanted to be pretty for him. He needed to see the best of me so he wouldn't leave me again. I took the bus to Acadia road because no one was home to drive me. I was a bit anxious on the bus. I hadn't traveled by public transport for about two years. When I got off the bus I just ran to Josh's house. I didn't care if I got weird looks from others. I just needed to see my boy. The door wasn't locked so I just went in and found my way down to his room. I opened the door to see him laying in his bed. I smiled so brightly, so much that my cheeks hurt. I walked over to him but stayed on the floor. His arm came out to meet me. That made me happy. He made me happy. I put my hands on his head as he hugged me. His hair was softer than I remembered. His scent was the best ever. He was warm. Just perfect. I started crying again when I felt him press me closer to himself. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I love you so much..." He cried as well.

"Omg, Josh... Don't cry. I love you too!" I managed to get out. 

"Can I call you baby again? Lay here with me," He asked.

"Of course you can..." I said, cried and scooted in under the covers next to him. 

"I missed this. I missed you," He said and kissed the top of my head. 

I turned around in his arms and looked him in his eyes. He sensed what I wanted. We kissed and didn't stop for a long time. I couldn't believe I was really kissing him again after such a long time. Thank god for Josh Ramsay. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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