Chapter 27

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*Hannah's Pov*

How could it be so horrible to sit at home and just know how bad your boyfriend is doing but you can't be there for him. I felt as if my heart was burning. I spend all my time by going to school, watching movies and listen to music. I had only talked to Josh once since he left and it's been almost five weeks now. I missed him so much it hurt.

"Hannah?" Phillip came into my room.

"Hi, Phil..." I said.

"You should go out with me and my friends or at least go outside a little," He said.

"I really don't want to," I said.

"I know you miss Josh but look at yourself. He wouldn't want to see you like that," Phil told me.

I thought about it for second and realized he was right. I should go out but I was scared that I would run into someone of Andrew's "friends". That's when I thought of Matt, maybe he would want to hang out for a little.

"You're right, Phil. I'm gonna call Matt Webb, the guy Josh plays in a band with," I said and got up to get my phone from my table. Phillip just smiled at me and walked out of my room again. I found Matt's number in my contacts, Josh had given it to me just in case I couldn't reach him. I called and heard the beeping go on and on until I heard Matt's voice.

"Hey it's Matt," He said.

"Hi, Matt... It's Hannah," I said.

"Hey, Hannah... How are you?" Matt asked.

"To be honest... not so good. That's why I called," I said.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just feel very alone... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out," I said.

"Yeah, sure... We can't have you feel that way. Your place?" Matt said.

"Yes. See you soon," I said.

"See you," Matt said and hang up.

I got out of bed and started to clean my room up. It looked horrible because I hadn't bothered doing something with the mess. I wasn't motivated to do anything and I couldn't get my mind off Josh even when I tried. I was glad that Matt wanted to come over because I really needed to be around someone that wasn't part of my family. I had put on my Green Day CD and was jamming to it while I finished cleaning. As Basket Case started to play, I heard the doorbell ring. I paused the CD and went to open the front door. I smiled when I saw Matt, though not the same smile as when I see Josh. Matt's smile was kind and you felt comfortable around him. He was so easy to talk with and I loved that about him.

"Hi, Hannah!" Matt went in for a hug.

"Hi!" I hugged him back. "Come inside," I said and backed so Matt could enter.

"Cozy house..." He kicked off his boots. "Are you home alone right now?" He asked.

"Yeah, my mom is out grocery shopping and my brother went out with some of his friends. Mom should be home soon again though," I told Matt.

"Okay..." He walked into the living room, took a seat the couch and looked back at me. "So, what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"I dunno..." I said.

"You had a guitar right?" Matt asked.

"Yes but I can't play," I said.

"Sure you can! I'll teach you," Matt said.

"Oh... Okay, let me go grab it then," I said and went to get it. My guitar was filled with polaroids of all the people I loved, stickers from my favorite bands and a lot of nonsense writing of my own. I loved that guitar to bits. I found it and took it with me back to the living room where Matt was sitting.

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now