Chapter 25

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It's been two weeks since I last talked to him. I've realized how alone I really am without him. The only people I've been talking to is Phil and Mom, that really says something about my social life. I've spent my days going to school and hating it, then coming home and cry. I've watched a lot of series in the evenings, alone in my bed. It's been two hard weeks without Josh's smile. That could always get me in a good mood. In the weekend Phil dragged me to the cinema and we watched some horrible comedy movie. I'd rather have watched some horror or a romance. It wouldn't be the same to watch those types of movies with your big brother though. The only thing I wanted was to hold Josh's hand when there was a jump scare or kiss him while someone kissed in the movie. That was all I wanted, just to be around him...
Every night I've been thinking about how he's doing in there. Is he hurting? Has he met Andrew? Are people being nice to him? Does he think about me too? Is he missing me just as much as I'm missing him? Those questions could keep me up for hours.

"Hannah!" I heard my mom call for me. "There's someone on the phone for you," She said.

"Two seconds! I'm coming," I said. 

I scooped out of my bed and put on a pair of shorts. I walked with a good pace down the hall and reached my mom standing by the phone. She said goodbye to whoever was on the other line and then she handed it to me. I took it and brought it up to my ear. 

"Hi, it's Hannah..." I said.

"Hi, Hannah. It's Corlynn... We were wondering if you would like to come over today because Josh is calling home today. We figured you two maybe wanted to chat for a little," Corlynn said.

"That's not even a question. Thank you Corlynn, I'd love to talk to your son again..." I said.

"Super, just be here before four, that's usually the time they call from the center," She said.

"Okay, I will..." I said and we hang up the call. 

I jumped up and screamed in excitement. Both mom and Phil came running towards me. They looked at me with terror at first but then saw how much I was smiling. The fact that I would be talking to Josh again was almost unbelievable. I've missed him so much and it had only been two weeks but it felt like half a year. 

"What happened?" Phil asked.

"Corlynn, Josh's mom, invited me to come over and talk with Josh!" I said excitedly. 

"Oh... Okay..." He said.

"Phil, it's over a phone call... Nothing CAN happen. I can tell what you're thinking," I said.

"Okay," He replied. 

I went to my room to grab some clothes and then I went to take a quick bath. Once I was done the time was already 3:15 pm so I had to go. My mom drove me to Josh's house. It was nice to see it again. I was welcomed by Miles at the door and in the living room, I saw Corlynn. I could see and smell that she had baked cookies for us. The whole house smelled lovely of sweet and delicious cookies. I sat down on the couch when Corlynn told me to and then we just sat and waited for the rehabilitation center to call us. We planned that they would pick up and talk to Josh for a minute or so and then they would tell him Sara wanted to say something, then, in reality, it would be me that started speaking. I couldn't wait to hear his voice, tell him I love him and that I missed him. 

"So are you ready?" Miles asked.

"Totally. I can't wait," I said.

"Great," Corlynn said and smiled at me.

The phone rung not long after and I didn't know what to with myself, I was so excited. Miles and Corlynn started talking to Josh once the counselors at the center gave permission to our little surprise. As they talked with Josh, I got more and more excited to hear him myself. My stomach felt weird but it wasn't because I was sick. It was only butterflies. Miles started the plan and told Josh that Sara wanted to tell him something. It was finally my turn. They said their goodbyes and handed the phone to me. They said I could go down to his room if I wanted to and so I did as I said hi.

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now