Chapter 12

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I pulled Josh in and shut the door. I broke out in tears and sat down, up against the now closed door. I was so frustrated, my emotions were such a mess. I was angry, sad and happy all at once. Mad at my fucking brother for everything he said, sad that Josh had to see me like this and happy about my mom letting me go with Josh to his sister's wedding. I had my knees pulled up to my face, my hands in front of it while crying like crazy. I felt Josh's hand on my shoulder, he had sat himself down next to me and held his arms around me. He held me for a long time, just making "shh" noises and rubbing my back. The door opened up hard and hit both of our backs. It hurt and made me cry, even more. Josh closed the door again and made me stand up. 

"Give her a minute..." Josh said out loud. 

"Not with you in there. Get away from my little sister now," Phil said and smacked open the door. He stormed towards Josh and got right up to his face before grabbing Josh's shirt collar. "Leave her... Now," Phil said.

"Come on, let's talk about this instead of fighting. I want this to work between us, Phillip, because I really love your sister and she loves me as well," Josh said.

"Ain't happening, you can come see me when you're out of rehab if you really think you're good enough at that point. You're a horrible person, as of now, for my sister and you're not seeing more of her until I've given a permission," Phil said. 

No... No, no, no! This couldn't be true. Josh said he'd always be there for me, always be by my side through whatever would happen to us. He would never leave me, he said he would make everything work out with my family. Phillip had ruined everything, I hated him! Why can't he see how happy I am with Josh. The first happiness I've experienced since Dad went away. I'm miserable without him. I won't let this happen, I had to do something.

"Phil... Why? Tell me why before making him go. I want to know, I deserve to know why I can't be with Josh," I said. 

Josh looked over at me and his eyes were tearing up. I couldn't bear to see him like that with my brother holding onto his shirt, fist tight. I walked over and stood in between them. I didn't want Phil to have a hold Josh any longer, he hadn't done a thing wrong. 

"Tell me why..." I almost whispered.

"It's okay, baby. I'll leave if that's what he wants," Josh said and took my hand in his for a second before Phil pushed me away. I fell backward and landed wrong on my hand. I hated the sound when I hit the ground. It hurt like hell, my vision was slurring but I could see Phil pinning Josh against the wall with a clenched fist right in front of Josh's face. 

"Don't you dare touch my sister!" Phil yelled at Josh and hit him in the jaw.

Then I passed out, I couldn't stand the pain for a second longer. 

*Josh's Pov*

Phillip was pinning me up against a wall in Hannah's room. He was way stronger than I had expected and I couldn't get up of his grip. His fist flew to my jaw and I sunk down for a second before he pulled me up again. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hannah on the floor, her eyes were closed. Why were they closed? What happened? Did she pass out? Phillip was about to hit me again but I stopped him with the words I spoke.

"Phillip! Look at Hannah! She passed out," I yelled and pointed at my girl, unconscious, on the floor. The grip on my shirt went away and Phillip was down next to Hannah within five seconds. I wanted to help so badly but I was afraid of what could happen of Phillip would freak out again. Instead, I ran out to get ms. Murray. I needed help. Hannah needed help.

Phillip needed help.

"Ms. Murray! Ms. Murray! Hurry down here, Phillip got a temper and went out on me. He accidentally also pushed Hannah and now she's unconscious," I yelled down the hallway. Out of nowhere, she came running towards me. She stopped in front of me and looked at my face. 

"Josh, are you okay?" Ms. Murray asked me. 

"Got a hit to my jaw but don't worry about me though, Hannah's more important right now. She's laying in there on the floor, " I said. 

"You might have a concussion, Josh. This may be needed to be taken seriously," She said and walked past me into Hannah's room. 

I went after and looked into the room. I didn't know if I should stay or leave. I just stood in the doorframe, watching my baby girl carefully. Her eyes were closed, Phillip and Ms. Murray lifted her up on her bed. A pillow under her head, to support it. She twitched each time they moved her slightly. My look searched for a reason to the twitching, then I saw it. Hannah's arm was broken and that was for sure. 

"Ms. Murray, her arm..." I said just loud enough for them to hear me. 

Their looks focused on the arm and they too could see that it was definitely broken. Ms. Murray moved it slowly to lay it in a better position. I already saw Hannah relaxed more having it laying like that. 

"Josh? Will you go and call 911 for me? You'll take with too," Ms. Murray said to me.

"Yes," That was all I said. 

I walked down the hallway while typing 911 into my phone. I took it up to my ear and listened to the ringing. A guy picked up the phone and asked what was wrong. I told him everything and he said to me they would be here as soon as possible plus they would send the police too. What Phillip had done wasn't alright but I hoped he wouldn't get arrested because then who would watch after Hannah while I was in rehab... 

"They'll be here soon... How's she doing?" I asked as I entered the room again. 

"Still not awake... What about you, Josh? Are you okay?" Ms. Murray said.

I looked over at Phillip, he wasn't paying attention to our conversation. He was just standing over Hannah and looking down at her. I didn't like at all but I knew he would never hurt her on purpose. This was an accident, right?

"Josh?" Ms. Murray said.

"Sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts there for a second. I'm doing okay, I think. A little dizzy maybe," I said and leaned against the door frame. 

"Go sit down, Josh. I don't want you to pass out too," Ms. Murray said.

"I do..." Phillip said out of nowhere. 

"Stop that right now. Look after your sister while I take a look at Josh's head," Ms. Murray said.

"I'll be fine, Ms. Murray... Really, don't worry about me," I said. 

"Hush... You mean a lot to Hannah obviously and that means I'll take care of you for her sake. She would want me to make sure you were doing okay," Ms. Murray said. 

Then she started checking me, looking me in the eyes. Testing my reflexes and such. Soon enough there was a knock on the door. I stood up but Ms. Murray pressed down on my shoulder and told me to stay put. She went out to open the door and left me alone with my girl and Phillip. I didn't like it, Phillip was obviously not himself or at least not the self Hannah had described him to be. The paramedics were with us shortly after and started asking about what happened. We told them everything and then they got Hannah on the stretcher. I walked next to her all the way to the ambulance. Ms. Murray was right behind me while Phillip stayed at home. The police showed up when we were about to leave, I told them he was inside. Ms. Murray said she would come pick him up later at the police station. Then we drove to the hospital. I held Hannah's hand all the way and didn't let go of her. Knowing that we were in safe hands now, I fell asleep in the seat, my head resting on the same pillow Hannah was laying her head on. 

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