Chapter 6

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I stood in the kitchen by the sink because it was my turn to take the dishes. Mom and Phillip were sitting by the dining table behind me and talked. When I would be finished I wanted to call Josh, I promised him that. I wondered how the conversation would go because of the way our afternoon had changed our friendship if I could call it that now. When I finally finished cleaning everything, I hung up the towel and made my way out of the kitchen.

"Hannah? Hold up a second. We need to talk, remember?" Phil said while I was on my way out. 

"Does it have to be now? I'm kinda busy right now..." I said, trying to get away from them.

"What are you busy with? I'm sure this talk is more important and it won't take that long, sweetie..." Mom said and pulled a chair out beside her. I walked over and sat down with a sigh. What did they even want to talk about? Phil said something about Josh earlier but why would Mom be here too then?

"What do you guys wanna talk about? I'm doing great..." I said confused. 

"Hannah, you have been missing classes and your teacher is getting worried and so are we. What's going on in your life that's making you skip school?" Mom asked. Oh, so it was this talk again. Great, just great. 

"It's just hard starting up again. That's all and I needed some space so I left the class for a couple hours," I said, it was almost the truth. 

"It's hard for us too, Sis but you can't just leave the class when you want to," Phil added. 

"Phillip is right, you have to keep up with your grades... So no more skipping okay?" Mom said.

"Yes, Mom... I promise to do my best from now on," I said and stood up.

"We're not done, Hannah... You need to tell Mom what happened earlier today," Phil said. I sat down again and looked over at our mom, she looked a bit concerned. I knew what Phil wanted me to say, he wanted me to open up more about Josh. I was afraid to say to the smallest thing because what if Phil actually didn't know about his addiction and it was something else he referred to by saying telling me about him and Matt. I told my mom the whole story about Ashly and how I talked to Josh about it. How Josh and I skipped school together but I told nothing about Josh's breakdown.

"Honey, I'm so sorry to hear that... I still don't want you to skip any more classes though, I only want the best for you," Mom said and squished my hand. 

"I would like to add something. This Josh... I know about him. His full name is Josh Ramsay right?" Phil asked me before continuing. 

"Yes," I simply answered.

"I guess you're old enough for me to tell you this... Josh is an addict, a drug addict. It started last year and I heard it through that guy Matt I told you about. I remember one of my friends ran into Matt after he had been at Josh's. I guess he didn't mean to tell him but it just slipped out of his mouth that he had seen his scars on his arm. I'm sorry, Hannah," Phil ended. 

"Oh, my... Hannah I don't want you to see this Ramsay anymore," Mom said and I froze by her words. She couldn't deny me from seeing him, could she? 

"You can't say that! You don't know what he's like!" I said and stood up. My fists were clenched against the table. 

"Well we know how drug addicts are and you won't be seeing more to him. Got it?" Phil said. 

"He's not like what you think, he's really sweet and kind. He's the first who've been nice to me since we moved here," I said trying to convince them to change minds. 

"Sweetheart you'll find others who'll be your friend. Try to forget him alright, he's not good for you," Mom stated. She was wrong. Josh made me smile and laugh more than any other could. He made me feel special and wanted. Most of all he made me feel happy. Josh was good for me. 

We'd be good to each other (Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now