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Hi! My name is Amber Thompson. I'm the new kid at Washington High. My dad got a promotion but we had to move and here we are. My mom is basically a stay at home mom, she doesn't really do anything except stick her nose in my business. Everyone has the one parent that pays too much attention, she was mine since my dad wasn't really at home much because of "work." At my old school, I was never the good girl and I wasn't really the bad girl but people knew not to mess with me. Basically, my reputation wasn't the best and people kind of sort of feared me. I'm hoping that I can have a new start at Washington High. Anways, it's my first day of school today; let's see what trouble I'll get into today. 


"Bye mom!" I shout, walking towards the front door.

"Don't get into any trouble honey!" She shouts, knowing my tendency to attract trouble.

"Don't you trust me at all," I say in a teasing tone.

"Well..." she starts off.

"Oh come on!" I shout, throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Get to school now. Don't want you being late on your first day!" She says.

"Oh please! Summer just ended lots of people will be late," I say.

"This isn't your last school," she replies.

"Bye!" I shout before walking out.

I drive to the school and park where I see a spot. I get out and go straight to the front office.

"Hey, I'm new here and I'm supposed to get a tour guide," I say at the desk to an elderly woman who seems to have hearing problems.

"Excuse me what honey?" She asks.

"I need to get a guide since I'm new here," I enunciate my words extremely loudly.

"What's your name?" She asks, pulling out a paper.

"Amber Thompson," I say.

"Sorry what?" She asks, putting her glasses on and squinting her eyes.

"Amber. Thompson." I say, my anger building up.

"Oh I see right here," she points to her paper. "Your locker is 238 and here's the combination." She continues on, handing me stuff I need.

"Thank you, who is my guide?" I ask.

"Callie Marano," she says. "She should be coming in any time now."

Just then, a tall and pretty brunette walks in.

"Mrs. Janice did I come too late?" She asks, panting slightly.

"No, she's right here," Mrs. Janice says, pointing to me.

I offer an awkward wave and an uneasy smile and say, "Hi, I'm Amber Thompson."

"Callie Marano," she says, putting her hand out for me to shake it.

I accept and shake her hand. Then she drags me away.

"What's your locker number?" She asks.

"238," I say, stumbling after her.

"It is right here," she says haltingly before stopping at a locker.

I look around and see that a lot of people are already at their lockers or with their friends. I put in my locker code and open it. I put my books in while Callie waits for me. When I'm done, I keep the books I need and she leads me down the hall to Biology. She points out one tall boy whose back is turned toward us.

"He is a bad boy, better steer clear of him," she says, pointing to him.

"He's the bad boy?" I ask, glancing over at him and arching my eyebrow.

"Yup, Jonah Marais," she replies.

"Doesn't seem like it," I say.

"Oh don't do what I think you're gonna do," she looks at me worriedly.

"And what do you think I'm gonna do," I smirk.

"Challenge him," she quickly replies.

"Oh well, then you have every reason to worry," I smirk and strut over to him.

I slightly lean forward and extend my arm, tapping his shoulder. 

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