4. I'm Not Gay!

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Classes are finally over for today!! Praise the lords!

"Hey Amber," Daniel says, walking alongside me.

"Hello Dani," I say.

"Really?" He asks, still not believing what I thought during lunch.

"Smh, I still ship it," I tease him.

"Shut up!" He says, lightly swatting my arm.

"I don't know if I want to," I say thoughtfully before starting to chant. "JANIEL! JANIEL!"

His eyes widen in alarm before rushing to stop me. "Shut up Amber! I'm not gay!"

"I know, it's just so fun to agitate you," I say happily.

"I hate you," he says.

"I know I haven't known you for long but I do know that you actually love me," I tease. "I don't think you're capable of hating anyone."

"I LOVE PEOPLE!" He shouts.

"Like I said, I don't think you're capable of hating anyone," I say with a small chuckle.

"Hey guys," Zach says, nearing us.

"Am I hallucinating or is Jacob Sartorious talking to us?" I say teasingly.

"I think he is," Daniel says.

Zach rolls his eyes and says, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything!"

"But really, why are you talking to us?" I ask, a sense of seriousness underlying my voice.

"Jack and Jonah are having some argument about some stupid thing and Corbyn and Christina are acting all in love with each other an you guys were right there," he shrugs.

"Oh okay," Daniel says.

I look over at Corbyn and Christina and coo at their adorableness. I then look over at Jonah and Jack, deep in conversation and some girl clearly trying (and failing) to flirt with Jonah. I laugh at the scene and turn back to look at Daniel and Zach.

"How many girls per day throw themselves at you guys?" I curiously as Zach.

"I dunno, most girls go for Jonah because he's apparently the 'baddest' out of all of us but we don't count," he says, putting air quotes around "baddest."

"Aww, don't worry Zach. I'm sure many girls like you too," I say, pinching his cheeks.

"I'm not five years old woman!" He says, swatting my hands away.

"I don't know, you look that young," I chuckle.

"Rude," he grumbles.

"Dang! Another one has already replaced the one that was just sent away," Daniel scoffs, looking at Jack and Jonah.

He was right, another girl was standing there, trying (and failing) to get their attention. I laugh at them.

"Why do they even think they have a chance?" I snort and the boys agree with me.

"Because they're actually hot, unlike you," a snooty voice says behind me.

Thank you for reading!! Do you guys like this book? Vote and comment! Love y'alls!! 💗💙💜💗💙💜
Shameless plug: Check out my Daniel Seavey ffs About Time and They Were Just Headphones. More WDW ffs will be coming!!

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