28. I'm Glad That I'm Fun To Hang Out With

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My phone rings and I look at the caller ID to see it's my mom. I ignore it.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"My mom," I reply.

"Oh we should probably text our moms," he says with a chuckle, pulling out his phone.

I text her that I'm out with Jonah and I put it back in my pocket, popping a fry in my mouth.

"You know, this was actually pretty fun," I say with a smile.

"I'm glad I'm fun to hangout with," he says with a chuckle.

I throw a fry at him.

"Okay let's go then!" He says, grabbing a handful of fries at me.

I mock a hurt look and throw some more at him.

"Well well well, what's happening here?" An elderly woman asks with a kind smile.

"Hey Cecilia," Jonah says amicably.

"Hey Jonah dear. And who is this lovely young lady?" She asks, turning to me.

"I'm Amber, I just moved here," I say, putting my hand out for a handshake.

"Oh no need to be so formal honey," she says, patting my back.

"Oh but Amber is the most formal person I know," Jonah says teasingly.

"Am not!" I say defensively, throwing a fry at him.

"Now now, don't throw too much food." She says and we stop.

"Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds to yourself," she says and walks away before we can correct her.

We look at each other and blush.

"Lovebirds huh?" A familiar voice asks.

We turn to see all of our friends smirking at us. And a new face.

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