9. I Was Probably Unnerved By Jonah's Rudeness

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"Ugh!" I groan as I trudge into the hallway.

"What happened?" Daniel asks, miraculously appearing at my side.

"It took me forever to fall asleep!" I whine.

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't know! I was probably unnerved by Jonah's rudeness," I reply, raising my voice for the last part since he was walking by.

He glares at me before continuing on.

"Wait what?" Daniel asks.

"Jonah's my neighbor. We have balconies across from each other and it's annoying," I reply.

"Lavender's definitely coming after you now," he says with a chuckle.

"Yeah cause that's comforting," I add, rolling my eyes.

"Umm, Amber," Zach says, causing me to turn from my locker.

"Yeah?" I ask, not failing to notice the girl standing next to him.

"This is Cindy," he says, moving out of the way.

"Oh hi! Nice to meet you!" I exclaim.

"Hi," she replies shyly, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"So um, you were the last girl that Lavender threatened?" I ask cautiously.

"This has something to do Lavender? I don't want any part of it," she states before running off.

"What did she do to her?" I ask.

"No one knows. One day she was the most popular girl in school and the next she wouldn't talk to anyone and would freak out whenever anyone touched her," Daniel states.

"Someone needs to take Lavender down too," I say, turning back to the boys.

"Hey guys!" Christina says, walking up to us with Corbyn's arm slung across her shoulder.

"Damn you guys really are an inseparable couple aren't you?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Yeah," Corbyn simply says, causing me to laugh a little.

"Anyways, what are you guys talking about? I heard Lavender's name," Christina says.

"I was saying that someone has to take her down today," I reply.

"I can help with that," Christina says.

"Yass!" I pump up my arm in victory.

I give her my hand for a high five, one that she happily accepts.

"I can plan it out, but I will need you for some stuff," Christina says.

"Done, anything to get that biatch," I say.

"Look at you! Second day in school and you're already making big changes! That's my best friend!" Daniel says, putting his fist up for a fist bump.

"Starting with that! What happened to her?" Zach asks, pointing to Callie who is walking past us, glaring.

"She never even looks at us," Corbyn says, arching an eyebrow.

"I think I might be the cause of her looking at us," I say, raising my hand.

When 4 questioning looks are thrown my way I elaborate, "I guess she thought that we were gonna be friends since she was my tour guide."

"That's a reasonable assumption," Christina says.

"Yeah but she can't be mad at me for not being her friend!" I reply.

"That's also reasonable," Corbyn says.

"Okay seriously," Daniel starts, getting all of our attention. "Girls are confusing."

We all laugh at his comment and continue onto our classes.

This is definitely gonna be an interesting year. I think to myself as I sit down.

Woohoo! Another update!

But seriously though, you people really like this book, more than I thought people would. But y'all have to work on your patience! Like I'm sure I've stated many times, updates may not even be weekly starting next week. I may be too busy. But I will try as hard as I can to update. :)

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Love y'alls! <3 <3 <3 

btw if you're wondering where the "Love y'alls!" thing comes from, check out Daniel Seavey's first video ever.

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