15. What Is It?

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(She has high heeled black boots instead.)

I step out of the car, still having the cardigan wrapped around me. I take in my surroundings.

Bottles, cans, and cups littered all over the front lawn. Booming music that made my teeth rattle was emitted from the house. A few shouts could've been heard.

I take a deep breath and sigh. This is more my speed.

I hear the car door slam shut behind me.

"You're driving back," he says.

"Okay," I mutter, sliding the cardigan from my shoulders and dropping it on the seat in the car.

I look up and notice him staring at me. Feeling insecure, I wrap my arms around my stomach.

"What is it?" I ask shyly.

"Nothing!" He says abruptly and shakes his head as if snapping out of a trance.

He walks off towards the house, leaving me standing there. My hands wrapped around my middle, my shoulders getting layers of ice on them, and my mind racing to understand his actions.

I decide to stop and shake my head, letting out a shudder in the process. I steel myself and confidently walk forward in my high heels. I stumble as I rush over, letting my hands drop to my sides despite the shivers that course through my body.

As I near the house, the putrid smell of alcohol hits my nose, reminding me of my last school. I smile a little as I continue forward. I grab my phone out of my pocket, taking a few pictures before entering.

"Amber!" Someone shouts.

I trace the voice back to a smiling Christina.

"Hey Christina!" I shout back, walking towards her and almost tripping over a couple of cups.

Corbyn nods in acknowledgement before continuing his conversation with someone. Christina waves me over, her phone in hand.

"You ready?" She asks.

"Girl, I was born ready," I say with a chuckle.

"Let's do this." She says with a tone of finality, pausing for a second before nudging Corbyn. "Corbyn! I said, 'Let's do this.'"

He turns toward her quickly and makes a weird pose with his hands on his hips as Christina copies him. I laugh at their silliness.

"What? Can't we have any fun taking down a bitch?" Christina asks innocently, causing me and Corbyn to laugh.

We start walking around, taking pictures and videos of people chugging drinks, and anything that her parents wouldn't like.

As I exit a bedroom, the smirk wide on my face, I see something that creates a dark pit in the bottom of my stomach.

A pit that sucks in any happiness I just had. A pit that wipes the smirk clean off my face.

Something that hurts so much but I don't even know why.

I saw a familiar blonde figure pressed up against an even more familiar brunette. More specifically, it was my neighbor and the bitch pressed up against each other, sucking face.

"Say cheese," I say wistfully, holding up the camera as Lavender and Jonah separate.

Lavender shoots a toothy smile at the camera while Jonah just looks at me apologetically.

She must be too drunk to realize what I'm doing. I think with a smirk.

But that lovesick part of my mind has a different take on the conversation. But he doesn't seem so.

I give a small smile before spinning on my heel and searching for Christina.

"Christina!?" I shout, pushing through the mass of sweaty, dancing bodies.

"Amber?!" I hear shouted back.

"By the drinks!" I shout.

"I'll be there," she responds, appearing beside me less than a minute more.

"What happened?" She asks, clearly noticing my downtrodden mood.

"They were--they were," I choke out before completely losing it.

"It's okay, it's okay," she whispers calmingly.

I grab a cup, pouring the liquid down my throat. I relish the burning feeling as I grab another.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Until I'm completely out of it.

Why did I come here in the first place? My murky mind asks as I stumble to the dance floor, only to have a firm hand grab my elbow.

"And she's drunk," I hear a feminine voice mutter angrily.

"Am not!" I slur, giggling at my reaction.

I'm dragged to a car and seated inside. Two people sit in front of me and the car starts to move.

"I'll have to text Jonah that she's out of it," a blonde boy whispers while I move my hands quickly in front of my face, noticing that it looks cool in the dark.

I giggle, "It looks so funny."

"She's so drunk it's funny," she chuckles in front of me.

I like laughing so I laugh too, until I hiccup. I start laughing even more but my throats becomes sore so I stop, grumbling about stupid sore throats.

"This is your stop," he says happily.

"Bye," she says, giving him a peck on the lips before exiting the car and opening my door.

I laugh at his happy expression and say, "You're in love."

He chuckles at my statement as I'm yanked out of the car and led inside.

"Be quiet," she says, shushes me.

"SHHHHHHHH!" I shush very loudly, giggling at myself.

"Oh god," she says before clamping her hand on my mouth, rendering me incapable of non muffled speech.

I stumble along after her, and she drops me into a bed and hands me some clothes and walks out.

I find my current clothes a little tight so I change into the sweats and lay back comfortably.

"Are you done?" A muffled voice asks.

I mumble incoherently and sigh contentedly.

She must realize I won't answer because she walks in a few seconds later and instructs me to go to sleep.

I fall asleep, still not asserting the most important thing:

Why did I care so much?

That was looooooooong!!

Hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment ❤️❤️

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