1. Aww, You Think I'm Cute

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I slightly lean forward and extend my arm, tapping his shoulder.

He turns around and asks, "What?"

"Hi I'm Amber Thompson, the new girl," I chirp in a really annoying voice.

"Okay... why do I care?" He asks.

"Because I'm the girl who's gonna knock you down off your high steed Mr. Marais," I state happily.

"No one has done that and no one will," Jonah says, leaning in so I feel his breath on my cheeks.

"Oh but I haven't tried yet," I say.

"And you are welcome to try," he says like he couldn't care less.

"I don't just try, I win," I say before spinning on my heel and walking away.

I walk back to Callie who is talking to two boys. 

"Hi I'm Daniel Seavey," the one with beautiful blue eyes and a cute tooth gap says.

"Amber Thompson," I say quickly.

"Nathan Friar," the other one says like he doesn't really want to talk to me.

"They are both my friends, well Nathan is my best friend and Daniel isn't really a close friend but he's a good guy," Callie says.

"Yeah but I'm thinking of becoming better friends with you guys because of the mysterious and courageous new girl," he says with a smile.

"Great! You are actually a great guy," Callie says happily.

"Anyways, who's walking me to class?" I ask.

"Which class?" Nathan asks.

"Biology," I answer.

"I have Biology too!" Daniel exclaims.

"Cool! I'll enjoy hanging out with the mysterious yet cute boy," I say with a smirk.

"Awww, you think I'm cute," he teases me.

"Does anyone not?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"I think you're pretty cute too," he says.

"Awww, you think I'm cute," I say, copying his tone from a few seconds earlier.

"Touché Amber, touché," he says, walking away.

"Bye guys!" I say before chasing after him.

"So mystery girl, tell me about yourself," he smiles.

"I want a new start here," I say.

"So that's why you went messing with Jonah, you have a death sentence, " Daniel says, the sense of realization clear in his voice.

"Oh shut up," I chuckle.

"Never!" He shouts before running into class.

I laugh and follow him into class. I take the seat next to him and class starts.

After it ends, we walk out, laughing and talking.

"How do you not like chocolate?!" I ask.

"How do you like it?" He teases.

"One of my mottos is 'Life without chocolate is not a life worth living,'" I say with a chuckle.

"That's a really sad motto then," he says.

"Maybe for you, but not for me," I announce loudly.

"I hate chocolate, now banana and watermelon on the other hand. Everyone loves banana," he says.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask.

"Umm yes."

"Bananas suck but watermelons are pretty good," I admit in defeat.

"Ah ha!" He shouts, drawing the attention of others around us.

I laugh as he turns into a crimson red.

"Anyways what class do you have next?" He asks in an attempt to draw attention off himself.

"Ummmm," I say looking at my schedule. "Some calculus boredom."

"Aww, I have English," he says dejectedly.

"Don't miss me too much Seavey," I tease as I walk away.

"No promises and you're walking in the wrong direction," he says with a laugh.

"I knew that," I say before walking in the other direction.

"Sure," he says disbelievingly, fighting to keep the smile off his face.

I face towards him and walk backwards as I say, "Don't you dare laugh at me!" 

At this he starts laughing before his face turns into a look of horror and he shouts, "Watch out!"

I look at him confusedly before I feel a body bump into my back and the feeling of falling down on my butt. 

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