37. Hi This Is Daniel. Daniel Needs Someone To Dance With.

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I chuckle as I stumble off the dance floor. A frown casts itself on my face as I notice Daniel awkwardly standing with a cup of punch in his hand.

"Aren't you dancing with anyone Dani?" I question.

"Nope," he says, a sad smile on his face.

"Well, I'm gonna set you up with someone!" I say, grabbing his hand.

"Wait what?" Daniel says in protest.

My eyes land upon a tall blond and I walk confidently toward her.

"Hi this is Daniel. Daniel needs someone to dance with. Daniel this is the person you will dance with. Great thanks!" I chirp as she stares at me, trying to follow my rapid fire of words.

Rather than asking me a question, she turns to Daniel and says—with a shy smile—, "Hey Daniel."

"Hey Addy," Daniel says, a shy smile also on his face.

"Seems like you two love birds know each other, so I'm just gonna go now," I say, walking away as they chuckle at my weirdness.

"Quite the matchmaker aren't you, Ms. Thompson?" Jonah asks with a chuckle, sipping his punch.

"Why thank you! I try, I really do," I say dramatically.

We chuckle while I get some punch.

"It's kind of warm in here, wanna sit outside?" I ask.

"Sure," he says, leading the way.

We sit down on the benches outside.

"Tell me about yourself, I don't know that much about you," I say abruptly.

"Umm, okay. My name is Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich, I like dogs, and I'm in love with a certain brunette who changed my world," he says, causing me to blush.

"I'm Amber Thompson, I love dogs and chocolate, and my world has changed since I came here. I want to believe it was for the better," I say with a smile.

"Well, was this better?" He asks, grazing his lips on mine.

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