51. As the Days Went On...

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December 5, 2017 ( a couple of weeks after the accident )

As the days went on, I remembered more and more about everyone. I remembered most details of the plan Christina and I had. I remembered Corbyn's nerdiness. I remembered Zach's nickname: Jacob Saggytits. Yeah, I made a few edits. I remembered Jack's love for skateboarding. I remembered the day we joked about Daniel having a Spidey Sense. I remembered the day I met all of them. I even remembered what classes I had. But one thing I couldn't remember, was why that Jonah kid was so sad when I didn't remember him at first. Of course, I remember him now. But why earlier? All I remember was us hating each other. Did it change? What happened? I'm just confused and I can't figure it out. I don't want to ask because it will seem rude. I don't know what to do, since that's the only thing I can't remember.

What happened with Jonah that made him care so much?

this diary entry physically hurt to write T_T

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