48. This Can-This Can't Happen

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My eyes flutter open but widen in alarm almost immediately. I don't know where I am, causing panic to arise. I open my mouth as if to scream before I notice my mom. Everything will be alright, she's here.

"Mommy," I mumble, opening my arms for a hug.

"Hey Honey," she says, bending down to give me a hug.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around and noticing Lucas and Daniel.

"A hospital," she says, sharing an uneasy look with Daniel.

"Why?" I question, not noticing that I can't feel my feet.

"You got in a car accident Honey," she says as I foolishly try to get up. Alarm signals blare in my head, and confusion clouds my thoughts. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't move my feet. I can't feel my feet.

"Why can't I move?" I ask, stiffening while thinking of what could have happened.

"You May have lost use of your leg," Daniel says quietly, holding my hand.

"No, this can—this can't happen," I choke out.

Suddenly, a cry erupts from behind them and small yet strong arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Im sorry Bambi," Lucas says, struggling to stop his tears.

* "But we don't know for sure," Mom says. "It can just be your body reacting to the shock weirdly. Don't panic. Your feet can still be fully functional."

"Okay," I reply, my breaths slowing.

*this was changed after a very attentive reader pointed out a discrepancy in a later chapter. Thank you @fanforever130

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