12. Not Like That

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"Mom!" I shout as I enter the house.

"Yeah honey?" She shouts back.

"I'm going shopping with one of my friends!" I shout, nearing her.

"Oh can I meet her?" She asks, emerging from the kitchen with flour all over her.

"Not like that," I say, nodding at her flour covered self.

"Don't worry I'll change. When is she coming?" She asks.

"I don't know," I reply.

I head upstairs and plop down on my bed.

"Hope you have fun shopping today!" Jonah shouts from his balcony.

"Shut up!" I shout back, pulling myself off the bed.

"And miss out on annoying you? I'm good," he replies, smirking.

"Shut up," I repeat once more, closing my window.

I turn back around and change into something else to go shopping. I sit down and do some homework before she came. I hear the doorbell ring and I rush down.

"Hi Mrs. Thompson, I'm here for Amber," Christina says kindly.

"Yup I'm right here! Let's go!" I say quickly, wanting to get out of there quickly.

"Oh but I want to talk to her," my mom complains.

"Oh but we have to leave," I says, walking out with Christina on my heels.

We walk over to her car and she starts driving.

"Do you want a dress?" She asks.

"Nope," I reply.

"Okay then," she replies, parking the car.

We get out and she leads me into a store.

"So you will stand out if you're fully clothed," Christina says, browsing the racks.

"You mean decently clothed?" I ask.

"Yeah pretty much. I'm supposed to stand out because I have a boyfriend, that's how you'll know who's in a relationship and who's not," she replies.

"Oh okay," I say, picking out a dark pair of shorts.

"Try this," she says, handing me a crop top and shorts.

I go and try it on.

"I think it's good," I say

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"I think it's good," I say.

"You look hot. I did good," she says, nodding her head.

I roll my eyes and change back to my normal outfit.

"What are you gonna wear?" I ask.

"A tank top and jeans," she says.

"Lucky," I whine.

"Hey, you land yourself a man and you can do that," she says with a chuckle.

We pay for my stuff and mess around at the mall.

"You know, you aren't bad at all," I say in the car.

"Gee thanks," she says, rolling her eyes.

"You know what I mean," I reply.

"Yeah I do," she says with a smile.

We get back to my house and I get back to my room. I set my clothes out on my bed and look at them. I hear a thump on my balcony.

"What'd you get?" Jonah asks, strolling up to me.

He takes one look at my outfit and says, "No way you could pull that off."

"You just see mister," I say, poking him in the chest.

"Honey?" My mom asks, her voice dangerously close to my door.

"Get out! Get out!" I whisper urgently as he scrambles to get to the balcony.

"What's the noise about?" She asks, at my door. "Oh."

"Hey Mrs. Thompson," Jonah says awkwardly.

"Do I wanna know what you were doing here?" She asks with a smirk.

"Not really," he says before climbing over.

"Do I wanna ask?" She asks again.

"No," I say, rushing her out of my room.

"That was close," I sigh.

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