66. I'm Too Young to Die

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I can't believe this is actually happening. I think as I put my hair up in a ponytail. Like actually happening. I thought this had left since I got that temporary amnesia. But I guess it's back.

I put on a jacket over my Stranger Things shirt and black adidas joggers. I try to choose a pair of shoes to wear and first thought of my worn out Nike's... then I realized I'm wearing Adidas pants. I decided to just wear Adidas shoes.

"Ready?!" I shout through my window.

"Yeah!" Jonah shouts back as I race down the stairs to his car.

"Bye!" I shout as I open the door.

"We're talking when you get home!" Mom shouts behind me.

I stand outside the car, shivering. I find myself humming random songs while waiting for Jonah to walk out of his house and start the car. He finally emerges with a big smile.

"I'm driving," I say as soon as he unlocks the car. I slide into the drivers seat with a smirk on my face. I decided it'd piss him off if I drove his car so I was set on it. "Keys."

"Yeah, no. I'm too young to die," he replies, arching an eyebrow while standing outside the car.

"Fine, you can stay shivering out there," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. "See if I care."

After a standoff that totaled 30 seconds, he threw the keys at me and reluctantly sat in the passengers seat.

"Guess you're not like Elsa," I say. "The cold does seem to bother you." I add with a giggle as I start the car.

"Just don't hurt her," Jonah says, wincing as I start backing out of the driveway.

"Do you care more about this care than you care about me?" I ask with a gasp.

"Yes!" He exclaims as if it's obvious.

"Oh hun, are you in for a ride now," I say with a chuckle as the engine starts roaring.

"No!" He shouts as I start driving.

He was whimpering and whining the whole car ride to Corbyn's. Corbyn lived across the whole town. My ears are crying.

"Okay, Let's go Whimpers," I say, getting out of the car and spinning the keys around my finger.

"Shut up!"

I run and knock on the door.

"What?" Is Corbyn's first reaction to my beaming face.

"Hey, Buddy," I say, walking in without invitation. "What's up? We're planning on spending a movie day here. You don't have a problem with that do you, Corbs?" I shoot him my puppy dog eyes. Throughout my years of life and wisdom, I have learned that my puppy dog eyes can get me anything. Well, not everything technically. But almost everything. I shoot my puppy dog eyes... Bam! New car! Not that I'm a trust fund baby or anything. I only asked when I knew we had a bunch of excess money to buy extravagant things. And I typically got stuff for Lucas anyways.

"No?" Corbyn says confusedly.

"Good talk, good sir," Jonah says formally.

Jonah leads the way and we march up to Corbyn's room.

"YOOOO!" I shout, running to his double-computer. "This is fucking dope."

"Haha thanks," Corbyn says with a goofy smile on his face. "It's great for gaming."

"I cease to understand how you are popular," Jonah says, shaking his head.

"It's cause of my dazzling charm," Corbyn replies, putting out jazz hands and making a weird face.

"This'll be perfect for watching movies!" I screech.

"Corbyn—oh, I didn't realize you brought friends over," a teenage girl says from the doorway.

"Oh, Amber, this is Ashley. My sister," Corbyn introduces us.

"Hi! You seem normal much unlike Corbs here!" I say, opening with a joke hoping it will make her like me.

"Oh wow, Corbyn actually has a funny friend? This is a shocker!" Ashley says, accepting my olive branch.

"Wow, Ashley that hurts," Jonah says, putting his hand on his heart like he got stabbed.

"Aww, I'm sowwy, Jonah baby. Do you need a bandage? The wittle baby needs a bandage, Corbyn," Ashley says in a baby voice.

Jonah rolls his eyes but gives her a hug while I laugh my head off.

"I love her," I say between gasps.

"The feeling is mutual," Ashley replies with a kind smile. "But Mom told me to tell you that breakfast is ready."

"Be right down," Corbyn says. "Do you guys want to come?"

"No, we already had breakfast at Jonah's," I reply.

"Why?" Corbyn says with a smirk.

"Cause I was already—cause they invited us," I say, catching my mistake.

"Okay. No funny business though," Corbyn says teasingly as he leaves the room.

We wait until Corbyn's footsteps aren't near.

"How about we don't listen to that last comment?" Jonah asks with a smirk.

"I'm on board with that," I say with a chuckle as we start to kiss.

Did you find the puns? Oh yeah, also I saw the boys in concert at SF yesterday night and im still in shock. Jonah was wearing a sleeveless shirt for the last part and his arms are srsly muscular like DAYUMMM. I'm over here with these bingo arms and he has that. This might inspire me to get into shape... yeah no ❤️ anyways, thanks for reading! Vote and comment!

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